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You will use audio tape cartridges and cartridge machines for most of the spot announcements of your station Cartridges come in various lengths, from 10 seconds to five and a half minutes. Inside the plastic casing of the cartridge is a continuous tape loop that provides sound immediately when played. Because the tape must play through before it stops and recues itself at the cue pulse, you should select a cartridge that is slightly longer than the recorded material.

Before you air a spot announcement on cartridge, perform the following steps:

1. Make sure the cartridge is properly seated in the machine.

2. Set the output selector to audition.

3. Start the cartridge and set the output level (using the appropriate slider) on the audition VU meter.

4. Allow the cartridge to play through until it recues.

5. Once the cartridge recues, place the output selector in the program mode. The spot announcement on cartridge is now ready to air.

An audiotape cartridge and cartridge playback machine are shown in figure 13-8.


You will use CD players for production purposes. Commercially, the CD and CD player have replaced records and turntables. This is because CDs are easier to store and their sound quality is superior.

The CD is a 4 3/4-inch plastic platter that is scanned by a laser beam positioned above the disc. Unlike records, CDs do not skip and its 500th play will sound as flawless as its first. However, you should handle a CD only around its edges and store it in its protective case (jewel box). A CD and CD player are shown in figure 13-9.

Figure 13-9. - Compact disc (CD) and CD player.

Figure 13-10. - Reel-to-reel tape recorder/reproducer.

Western Governors University

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