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After the end of deployment story is processed, the FHTNC retains the hold file for 30 days in an alibi file before it is returned to the originating command. You also may request that the Center destroy the hold file.


Consider the following scenario: Yesterday, 25 members of your command received awards for their participation in the base "Adopt-A-School" Program. A check of your files reveals that all of the awardees have release forms on file in your office. Your unit is not deployed and it is not scheduled to deploy for about a year. How should you submit the release forms without breaking the integrity of your "inactive" hold file?

The answer is simple - at the top of each release form, mark "RUN AND RETURN" before you mail them to the FHTNC. After processing the release forms and holding them for 30 days, the Center will return them to you so you may keep your hold file intact.

NOTE: Make sure the information on "run and return" stories is current before they are mailed to the FHTNC.


LEARNING OBJECTIVE: List the hints and reminders used in connection with processing home town news stories.

The following hints and reminders are offered as a checklist to help you get the most out of the Fleet Home Town News Program: l Use only the latest edition of the Fleet Home

Town News Release Form (NAVSO 5724/1).

l Follow the block-by-block instructions on the back of the NAVSO 5724/1. 

l Make sure the person to which the release pertains fills in his social security number in block 12 of the release form. 

l Make sure the person to which the release pertains reads and understands block 24 of the release form (Privacy Act statement). 

l Submit release forms on individuals with hometown ties only in the United States, American Samoa, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands. 

l Screen the release forms for legibility, accuracy and completeness before submission send to the FHTNC to use as a ready reference. 

l Keep file copies of the messages or letters you . Make sure the letter of transmittal or block two (command releasing authority) of the release form is signed before mailing. 

l Submit only current news items. 

l Check your hold file frequently. Make sure you update your release forms when people are promoted qualify or reenlist. 

l Do not submit release forms marked "Do Not Release." 

l Do not request the stories be sent to specific media.

Western Governors University

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