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LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Detail the methods used in gathering material for cutlines and identify cutline components, typography, layout and datelines.

Photographs have a unique storytelling ability. They are most effective when accompanied by some explanatory text.

A missile launching may make an exciting photograph, but it fails as a news vehicle unless the reader understands the when, where and why of the photograph, as well as the more obvious what and how.

The function of providing information the photograph does not furnish is performed by the photograph's cutline, also known as a photo caption. A cutline supplements the photograph by explaining action, naming people and giving background information.

The cutline writer is normally a middleman, who takes a photograph (which is inflexible) and adds the cutline (which is flexible) and comes out with a story. The cutline writer determines what additional information must be given to communicate the story the photograph is meant to tell.

Cutline writing is a specialized form of newswriting. It answers the same basic questions as the news story. Yet, it does this in a single, concise paragraph. The cutline writer must be alert to answer any questions the photograph may arouse in the reader's mind.

Figure 9-14. - Sample caption log.

Western Governors University

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