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All funds are issued on a NAVCOMPT Form 372, Allotment/Suballotment Authorization (fig. 12-6), by budget project. Budget project 10 authorizes funds to pay NATO/SOFA claims; budget project 11 authorizes funds to pay federal tort claims; budget project 12 authorizes funds to pay military claims; and budget project 13 authorizes funds to pay personnel claims. If necessary and as long as JAG is notified immediately, funds can be transferred between budget projects.

The fiscal year runs from 1 October to 30 September. After the initial authorization at the beginning of the fiscal year, additional funds will be authorized at the beginning of each succeeding quarter and upon request. When funds are issued by message or telephone, obligation can be made before the actual receipt of the NAVCOMPT Form 372. For the first three quarters of the fiscal year, fund balances maybe carried forward from one quarter to the next, but the end-of-year balances cannot be carried forward to the next fiscal year.


Figure 12-6.-Sample NAVCOMPT Form 372, Allotment/Suballotment Authorization.

recovering more than the amount originally claimed. The claimant may amend the claim at anytime before final action on the claim. Once an action is initiated under the FTCA, the plaintiff is limited to the damage amount specified in the claim presented "except where the increased amount is based upon newly discovered evidence not reasonably discoverable at the time of presenting the claim to the agency, or upon allegation

Figure 12-7.-Sample Standard Form 1145, Voucher for Payment Under Federal Tort Claims Act.


Figure 12-8.-Sample NAVCOMPT Form 2277, Voucher for Disbursement and/or Collection.

data entered on the document). If a claim is paid in one fiscal year, but an additional payment is required (for example, a reconsideration) in the next fiscal year, the claim should be paid using current fiscal year funds.


Deposits are made on NAVCOMPT Form 2277. Deposits fall into two categories: (1) deposits back into the Claims, Defense Appropriation and (2) deposits made into an appropriation other than Navy claims funds. Deposits received in foreign currency should be deposited with the local disbursing officer in the same manner as any other collection. It is the responsibility of the local disbursing officer to exchange the foreign currency for United States currency.

. Deposits-Claims, Defense Appropriations- carrier recoveries are the major type of deposits you will encounter in this category. Specific instructions for making deposits of carrier recoveries and any additional types of transactions related to carrier recoveries are found in JAGINST 5890.1. . Deposits-other than into the Claims, Defense Appropriations. Money recovered under the MCRA and from affirmative tort claims related to damage of government property is not deposited into the Claims, Defense Appropriations but into a Navy general fund receipt account. The check or money order should be made payable to the order 01 the collecting organization or to the Treasurer, United States.

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