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We use gear trains to increase mechanical advantage. In fact, wherever there is a speed reduction, you multiply the effect of the effort. Look at the cable winch in figure 6-11. The crank arm is 30 inches long, and the drum on which the cable is wound has a 15-inch radius. The small pinion gear has 10 teeth, which mesh with the 60 teeth on the internal spur gear. You will find it easier to figure the mechanical advantage of this machine if you think of it as two machines.

First, figure out what the gear and pinion do for you. You find the theoretical mechanical advantage (T.M.A.) of any arrangement of two meshed gears by using the following formula:

In which,

    To = number of teeth on driven gear;

    Ta = number of teeth on driver gear.

In this case,

    To = 60 and Ta = 10.



Now, figure the mechanical advantage for the other part of the machine-a simple wheel-and-axle arrangement consisting of the crank arm and the drum. Divide the distance the effort moves (2pR) in making one complete revolution by the distance the cable is drawn up in one revolution of the drum (2pr).

Figure 6-12.-Camdriven valve.

Figure 6-13.Automobile valve gear.

The total, or overall, theoretical mechanical advantage of a compound machine is equal to the product of the mechanical advantages of the several simple machines that make it up. In this case you considered the winch as two machines one having a mechanical advantage of 6 and the other a mechanical advantage of 2. Therefore, the overall theoretical mechanical advantage of the winch is 6 x 2, or 12. Since friction is always present, the actual mechanical advantage may be only 7 or 8. Even so, by applying a force of 100 pounds on the handle, you could lift a load of 700 to 800 pounds.


You use gears to produce circular motion. However, you often want to change rotary motion into up-and-down, or linear, motion. You can use cams to do this. For example, in figure 6-12 the gear turns the cam shaft. A cam is keyed to the shaft and turns with it. The design on the cam has an irregular shape that moves the valve stem up and down. It gives the valve a straight-line motion as the cam shaft rotates.

When the cam shaft rotates, the high point (lobe) of the cam raises the valve to its open position. As the shaft continues to rotate, the high point of the cam passes, lowering the valve to a closed position.

A set of cams, two to a cylinder, driven by timing gears from the crankshaft operate the exhaust and intake valves on the gasoline automobile engine as shown in figure 6-13. We use cams in machine tools and other devices to make rotating gears and shafts do up-and-down work.

Western Governors University

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