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MSs are normally assigned command supervision, management, and administrative billets in BQs. When MS personnel are not readily available, officers, chief warrant officers, or other enlisted personnel may be assigned. Enlisted personnel are prohibited from performing housekeeping functions in BQs other than their own personal spaces.

BQ personnel also may include civil service, nonappropriated fund, and contract employees.

Civil Service Employees

Civil service employees are civilian employees paid from appropriated funds. They may be assigned duties in BQs where military personnel are not available.

Under these circumstances, civilian personnel may serve as BQ, BOQ, or BEQ officer, or other positions that gives them the responsibility for the proper operation and management of the BQ. Information governing civil service employees can be found in the Federal Personnel Manual.

Nonappropriated Fund Employees Nonappropriated fund employees are civilian employees paid from nonappropriated funds. Additional information and requirements about nonappropriatcd fund employees arc contained in SECNAVINST 5300.22.

Contract Civilian Employees

Contract civilian employees are not governed by any of the regulations mentioned previously. Compliance to the provision of the contract and any collective bargaining agreement applicable to employees performing on this contract are subject to the requirements of the Service Contract Act. OPERATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES

Centralization of management refers to the direct management control of all BQs (less those assigned to the U.S. Marine Corps) by the CO on whose real property account these buildings appear. It additiontilly refers to consolidation under one specific department (for example, administrative, supply, or BQ) in the chain of command. Under the management system, tighter control, better accounttibility, greater occupancy of quarters, and further savings in resources can be realized.

Liaison must be set up between the BQ officer and tenant representatives to discuss responsibilities, establish commuications, and promote a cooperative atmosphere to improve conditions and habitability of the personnel concerned.

Responsibilities of the host CO are as follows:

Development and implementation of rules and regulations

*Assignments and terminations, including issuance of all certificates of nonavailability (CNA) and approval of all authorizations for payment of basic allowance for quarters (BAQ, single)

Use of housing assets and preparation of inventory, occupancy, and utilization reports

Review of all reports containing BQ information including cost, maintenance, and performance data

Control of issue, repair, and procurement of furnishings

Coordination of utilities conservation efforts and facilities management activities

*Development of BQ requirements surveys and development of program data

Responsibilities of the tenant CO are as follows:

Support host command BQ regulations

Participate in quarters inspections regularly

Provide self-help program for the improvement of bachelor housing

Provide host with information as to personnel drawing single BAQ in compliance with host policies and procedures

Inform BQ officer of troop movements

More detailed information regarding the responsibilities of the host and tenant CO can be found in NAVPERS 15606.

BQ Advisory Committee

The purpose of the BQ advisory committee is to give residents a direct line of communication to management and command without being diluted or filtered. The committee deals with many areas of resident involvement, some of which are as follows:

Determining residents' likes or dislikes

Hearing suggestions and complaints

Fostering self-help programs

Improving resident involvement

Gaining resources for the BQ

Organizing resident action

Establishing command positions

Helping reduce vandalism and theft problems Membership in the BQ advisory committee must be voluntary and representative of a cross section of the occupants. This cross section of occupants should be based according to rank and rate, building, floor, or wing. (The committee chairperson is selected from the group.) The meetings should be attended by the BQ officer and building petty officers (BPOs). BQ staff members should keep a low profile and do not have a vote. It may be beneficial to invite the host CO, XO, department heads, and Navy exchange officer to periodically attend these meetings as observers. These meetings should be open to all hands who live in the quarters.

The meeting place, time, and date should be announced at least 1 week in advance. It is preferable to schedule it at a regular time, for instance, the first Monday of every month at 1800 hours. The minutes should be forwarded to the CO for comment via the chain of command. The CO will make comments as appropriate and return them to the residents. The minutes with the CO's comments should then be posted on the official bulletin board and in the BQ newsletter. The largest circulation possible is desirable.

The advisory committee is not intended to replace the normal chain of command. It should be used along with the chain of command to be beneficial. The advisory committee should not engage in management decisions or duties.

TIQ Officer

The CO appoints a BQ officer who holds the position on a full-time basis. The following are some of the authorities and responsibilities of the BQ officer:

Manages the BQ assets

Serves as communication link between public works, the X0, and the BOQ or BEQ officer

Authorizes work requests for corrective and preventive maintenance

Is responsible for proper administration and operation of the front desk

Is responsible for providing accommodations that meet minimum adequacy standards

Serves as the COs designated representative for the certification of nonavailability of quarters

Maintains and is accountable for nonappropriated funds

prepares and submits budget for operating the BQ to the CO

As appropriate, originates or provides input to all correspondence on the BQ operation. This is especially so for BQ inventory, occupancy, and utilization reporting, per NAVPERS 15606.

The BQ officer is provided with an operating budget for the purchase of custodial equipment and supplies, office equipment and supplies, and linen.

Figure 10-1.-BQ organization.

Western Governors University

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