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CNET has established the BQ management class C school. This school is located at both the Service School Command (SSC), San Diego, California, and the Fleet Training Center (FTC), Norfolk, Virginia. This school is 3 weeks in length and is listed under course number A-800-0021 in the Catalog of Navy Training Courses, NAVEDTRA 10500.

The purpose of the school is to provide prospective BQ managers with the principles of management and organization necessary to provide efficient operation and maintenance of BQs, thus, enhancing living conditions for bachelor military personnel. The BQ management school is for enlisted members E-5 through E-9; officers W-1 through 0-3; and civilians of comparable grades. A Navy enlisted classification (NEC) is awarded to personnel who successfully complete the course. The school's curriculum includes the following topics:


Principles of management and organization

Occupancy criteria and eligibility

Facility maintenance and custodial services

Front desk procedures

Procedures for maintaining supplies and equipment

Safety and security


Administration of contracts and funds

Budget planning


The CNO has established the MAIT, located in Washington, DC. This team consists of highly qualified senior MS personnel who are specially trained to help commands improve BQ management so that living conditions may be improved and operational costs reduced. The team will inspect each command approximately every 3 years.

The team will normally conduct the inspection in the following manner:

Introduction-the team meets the CO, BQ officer, and staff.

Inspection-the team examines every facet of the quarters operation including living areas, front desk, supply operation, and the relationship with other command departments.

* Training-as time permits, the team provides training to the quarters staff tailored to the command's needs.

Point-by-point brief-the BQ officer is briefed in detail on the team's findings during the inspection.

Exit brief-the CO is briefed on the highlights of the team's findings and recommendations, plus the training conducted.

These procedures may be changed to meet local conditions, but the team will always strive to conduct the visit with the smallest possible disturbance to the command's routine.

BUPERS will provide a written report of the findings and recommendations of the MAIT to the host command via the major claimant. The host command will advise PERS-671 in writing of actions taken on the recommendations and keep copies of the recommendations and actions taken. They also will provide copies of both to the inspectors on subsequent command inspections.

The following list contains some of the most important publications that are useful in setting up a training program:

NAVPERS 15606, Navy Bachelor Quarters Manual

NAVFAC MO-125, Custodial Services Manual NAVPERS 15159, Manual for Messes Ashore, chapter IV

NAVSO P-3520, Financial Management Policies and Procedures for Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Programs

NAVEDTRA 10119-B1, Navy Customer Service Manual

The BQ MAIT also conducts assist visits as scheduling permits. Funded by the requesting activity, an assist visit is conducted in much the same way as inspections with more emphasis placed upon training. The type of training provided is based upon the weaknesses found at the command.

Western Governors University

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