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Mechanized Method

Nonautomated activities receiving semiperishable food items from a mechanized supply activity within the United States are provided prepunched and interpreted decks (computerized cards) of the DOD Single Line Item Request Issue Document (Mechanical), DD Form 1348m, for all semiperishable food items authorized for use in Navy GMs.

Automated customer activities do not receive prepunched decks of DD Form 1348m from the supply point. Such activities prepare their own requisitions. Any requisitioner may choose to submit manually prepared requisitions using the DD Single Line Item Requisition System Document (Manual), DD Form 1348.

Supply activities with mark-sensing equipment may vary local procedures as necessary for maximum usage of mark-sensing capability. However, the requisition cards should be of a type and format universally acceptable to all mechanized activities.

DECK ARRANGEMENT.- The cards in the requisition decks are arranged in the order in which the items appear on the Food-Item Report/Master Food Code List, NAVSUP Form 1059. The three-digit code number in the last three columns of the serial number field (card columns 41-43) provides a simple alphanumerical order of arrangement.

PHYSICAL CONDITION AND UPDATING.The requisition cards should be maintained in perfect physical condition. Frayed, torn, or bent cards will cause delay in processing and may delay delivery of material. You should request a replacement for any card that is distorted. New cards received from a supply activity should be filed promptly in the requisition decks, and cards are removed immediately upon request of the supply activity.

ROUGH REQUISITIONS.- A rough requisition will be prepared on a Food-Item Report/Master Food Code List, NAVSUP Form 1059, by inserting the following information:

The Julian date in the upper right corner

The quantity desired under Quantity (even case quantities are requisitioned except items such as condiments that the support activity authorizes for issue in broken case lots)

This rough requisition is used to prepare smooth requisitions on the prepunched DD Form 1348m and serves as a retained record of requisitions submitted. The rough requisition is filed in the outstanding requisition file. It maybe used when material is received to identify and check receipts.

SMOOTH REQUISITIONS.- To prepare smooth requisitions, the requisitioner pulls one prepunched DD Form 1348m from the requisition deck for each item required and inks in (do not punch) the following data on each card-the quantity desired is transcribed from the rough requisition.

SPECIAL REQUISITIONS.- Requisitions that require data in the Remarks blocks are manually prepared on DD Form 1348. These may include requisitions for nonstandard items, special project material, composite packages (combat meals), material for which special accounting data should be provided, and emergency requisitions that require special handling.

REQUISITION CONTROL RECORD.-Prepare the requisition control record i- on a machine card size and submit it as a cover letter with each lot of prepunched requisitions. The requisition control record contains the following information:

To: The supply activity.

From: The requisitioning ship or activity. Semiperishable food items: as a title.

Number of requisitions: The total number of requisitions forwarded with this cover letter.

Date of requisitions (Julian): The date that the requisitions are delivered or forwarded to the supply activity.

*Required delivery date (Julian): The required delivery date should be realistic and provide adequate time for routing processing and delivery. Ships may enter an earlier than normal required delivery date when necessary and explain beneath the date either "Based on scheduled deployment" or "Based on availability of pier space."

Signature: The requisition control record will be signed by the FSO of the requisitioning activity or by his designated representative.

Figure 12-7.-Requisition control record.

Manual Method

All the entries made on the DD Form 1348 D= should be entered using a ball-point pen or typewriter when preparing a manual requisition.

When preparing requisitions, it is not necessary to space the entries within the tic marks printed on the form. However, it is important that entries be prepared by the requesting ship according to the Procurement section of the NAVSUP P-486, volume I. REQUISITION LOG.- Maintaining the Requisition Log, NAVSUP Form 1336, is optional for all ashore and afloat activities. The requisition log provides requisition documentation control and information on outstanding requisition documents and receipts. It also provides a breakdown of receipts with and without charge. Outstanding requisitions that are brought forward to the current month's requisition log should carry the same requisition document numbers assigned on the previous month's log.

Instead of maintaining the Requisition Log, NAVSUP Form 1336, all receipts without charge may be annotated with W/O in the left-hand margin on the NAVSUP Form 367. At the end of each month, the receipts with charge file will be used as the source file for determining the dollar value of the Receipts With Charge block for the monthly NAVSUP Form 1357. This value also can be confirmed using the NAVSUP Form 367 by totaling all receipts not annotated W/O.

REQUISITION FILES.- You should maintain a requisition file that contains a copy of each procurement document generated for each outstanding requisition. You should maintain an outstanding requisition file for all DD Forms 1348 and 1149 and rough requisitions, NAVSUP Forms 1059. For all DD Form 1155 purchase orders, you also should maintain an outstanding purchase order file. You should maintain these forms in document number sequence within their individual files. Only the records keeper is required to maintain completed requisition or purchase order files.

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