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TOSS-To mix ingredients with a gentle lifting, circular motion. Usually used for salad ingredients.

TOXIN-A waste product given off by a microorganism causing contamination of food and subsequent illness in human beings. TRICHINOSIS-A foodborne disease transmitted through pork containing a parasite, "Trichinella spiralis," or its larvae, which infects animals.

TRUSS-To bind or fasten together. Usually refers to poultry.

VACUUM DRYING-Vacuum is applied to food that causes the air and moisture inside it to expand and create bubbles (a puffing effect). The puffed product is then dried leaving a solid fragile mass. This may be crushed to reduce bulk.

VERMICELLI-(Italian) A pasta or macaroni product, slightly yellow in color, shaped like spaghetti, and very thin.

VIENNA BREAD-A hearth-type bread with heavy crisp crust, sometimes finished with seed topping.

VINAIGRETTE-(French) A mixture of oil and vinegar seasoned with salt, pepper, and herbs that is used in sauces and dressings.

VIRUS-A group of submicroscopic organisms that grow in living tissue and may produce disease in animals and plants.  Viruses are smaller than bacteria and will pass through membranes or filters.

WASH-A liquid mixture brushed on the surface of a product either before or after baking. It may be composed of one or more ingredients (water, milk, starch solution, thin syrup, or eggs).

WELSH RABBIT-(English) A cheese sauce served with toasted bread or crackers.

WHEY-Liquid remaining after the removal of fat, casein, and other substances from milk.

WHIP-To beat rapidly to increase volume by incorporating air; a hand or mechanical beater of wire construction used to whip materials such as cream or egg whites to a frothy consistency.

YEAST-A microscopic plant that reproduces by budding and causes fermentation and the giving off of carbon dioxide gas; leavening agent.

YOUNG DOUGH-Yeast dough that is underfermented. This produces a baked product with a light color, tight grain, and low volume (heavy).

ZUCCHINI-4Italian) Slender green squash.

ZWIEBACK-A toast made of bread or plain coffee cake dried in a slow oven.

Western Governors University

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