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Occasionally, the need to transfer food items between GMs is necessary. You may be told by the leading MS or FSO to estimate the quantities of the requested food items that may be spared for transfer to another GM. In reviewing your stocks of the requested items, you should make a complete check against the planned menu and consider the length of time before replenishment of the requested food items. Then, you should make your recommendation. This recommendation should not jeopardize the operating capability of your GM.

Transfer Documents

Transfers of food items between ships and GMs ashore must be covered by a DD Form 1149 or a DD Form 1348m or some other document required by the transferring activity. These documents must be prepared with an original and five copies. Distribution and Posting

The copies of the transfer document are distributed to the receiving activity and three copies are kept at the transferring activity.  The subsistence bulk storeroom storekeeper posts issues to the NAVSUP Forms 209 or the NAVSUP Forms 335 in the Other column and then gives the copies to the GM records keeper.


Food items may be sold to private messes afloat and Navy/Marine Corps officer and enlisted clubs ashore if approved by the commanding officer.

Sales to Afloat Private Messes

When food items are sold directly from the GM to a private mess, the authorized representative of the private mess will prepare a NAVSUP Form 1282. The NAVSUP Form 1282 will be signed by the private mess manager or treasurer, or an authorized representative. If a person other than the private mess manager or treasurer is authorized to sign requisitions, such authority will be furnished to the FSO in writing. The signed requisition will be forwarded for approval by the FSO or the designated representative. The approved requisition will be priced and extended at the last receipt unit price in effect at the time of issue with the exception of donated dairy products that will be sold at fixed prices. The GM representative and the jack-of-the-dust will sign for receipt and issue of the material and the NAVSUP Form 1282 will be distributed as follows:

Signed original to the FSO to be held under lock pending preparation of the billing document.

Signed duplicate to the mess treasurer.

Signed triplicate, forward to the GM records keeper used for posting to the NAVSUP Form 335. After posting is completed, this copy is placed in the cash sales file.

Sales to authorized private messes will be posted to the NAVSUP Form 335 as they occur. The value of sales to the private messes will be posted to the NAVSUP Form 367 monthly from a copy of the billing document. Under no circumstances will unprepared food items furnished from the GM to a private mess be billed on the basis of meals consumed.

Sale of Galley Bakery Products

NAVFSSO will issue a price list that will be used in pricing the galley-produced bakery products sold to private messes. This price list is revised on a 6-month cycle or as required by changes in prices of the basic ingredients. The cost of galley-produced bakery products that do not appear in the price list is established at the local level based on the last receipt invoice prices for the basic ingredients. At the option of the FSO, a quarterly price list based on the last receipt prices of basic ingredients and approved by the commanding officer or the commanding officer's designated representative may be established for all galley-produced bakery products. In no case will locally established prices be less than the current prices issued by NAVFSSO.

A separate issue document, NAVSUP Form 1282 (fig 2-13)  is used for galley-produced bakery products. This form is submitted in triplicate, listing the items and quantities required, and is signed by the mess treasurer or the mess treasurer's designated representative. The approved document is presented to the baker for issue of the products. When issues are made, the authorized representative of the private mess will sign the original and two copies of the NAVSUP Form 1282 for receipt of the items and the issue document will be distributed as follows:

Original, priced and extended, to the FSO to be kept under lock and key until used for preparation of the monthly billing document.  (Galley-baked products should be listed separately on the monthly billing document to facilitate deduction from the quarterly recap of issues to the GM part of the retained returns.)

*Duplicate to the mess treasurer of the private mess.

Triplicate to the GM records keeper to be subtracted from the daily value of issues to the NAVSUP Form 1282 for the GM.

The value of galley-produced bakery products sold will be deducted from the total value of issues to the GM before posting to the General Mess Control Record,


Figure 2-13.-Sale of galley-baked products on a NAVSUP Form 1282.

NAVSUP Form 338. At the end of the accounting period the total value of galley-baked products sold to each private mess will be subtracted from the stores consumed.


The quantity of each item must be posted to the Other column of either the NAVSUP Form 209 or the NAVSUP Form 335 by the subsistence bulk storeroom storekeeper or the jack-of-the-dust. Then this information is forwarded to the GM records keeper for completion of the posting and accounting processes.

Western Governors University

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