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RADIATION PATTERN OF A DIPOLE. - The radiation pattern of a dipole (fig. 4-15) is similar to that of the doublet (fig. 4-14). Increasing the length of the doublet to 1/2 wavelength has the effect of flattening out the radiation pattern. The radiation pattern in the horizontal plane of a dipole is a larger circle than that of the doublet. The vertical-radiation pattern lobes are no longer circular. They are flattened out and the radiation intensity is greater. Figure 4-15. - Radiation pattern of a dipole.
Methods of Feeding Energy to an Antenna Voltage and current distribution for the half-wave antenna (shown in figure 4-16) is the same as that for the antenna discussed earlier in this chapter. A point closely related to the voltage and current distribution on an antenna is the method of feeding the transmitter output to the antenna. The simplest method of feeding energy to the half-wave antenna is to connect one end through a capacitor to the final output stage of the transmitter. This method is often called the END-FEED or VOLTAGE-FEED method. In this method the antenna is fed at a point of high voltage (the end). Figure 4-16. - Standing waves of current and voltage.
Energy may also be fed to the half-wave antenna by dividing the antenna at its center and connecting the transmission line from the final transmitter output stage to the two center ends of the halved antenna. Since the antenna is now being fed at the center (a point of low voltage and high current), this type of feed is known as the CENTER-FEED or CURRENT-FEED method. The point of feed is important in determining the type of transmission line to be used. QUARTER-WAVE ANTENNAS As you have studied in the previous sections, a 1/2 wavelength antenna is the shortest antenna that can be used in free space. If we cut a half-wave antenna in half and then ground one end, we will have a grounded quarter-wave antenna. This antenna will resonate at the same frequency as the ungrounded half-wave antenna. Such an antenna is referred to as a QUARTER-WAVE or Marconi antenna. Quarter-wave antennas are widely used in the military. Most mobile transmitting and receiving antennas (fig. 4-17) are quarter-wave antennas. Figure 4-17. - Mobile antennas.
As stated above, a grounded quarter-wave antenna will resonate at the same frequency as an ungrounded half-wave antenna. This is because ground has high conductivity and acts as an electrical mirror image. This characteristic provides the missing half of the antenna, as shown in the bottom part of figure 4-18. In other words, the grounded quarter-wave antenna acts as if another quarter-wave were actually down in the earth. Figure 4-18. - Grounded quarter-wave antenna image.
Characteristics of Quarter-Wave Antennas The grounded end of the quarter-wave antenna has a low input impedance and has low voltage and high current at the input end, as shown in figure 4-18. The ungrounded end has a high impedance, which causes high voltage and low current. The directional characteristics of a grounded quarter-wave antenna are the same as those of a half-wave antenna in free space. As explained earlier, ground losses affect radiation patterns and cause high signal losses for some frequencies. Such losses may be greatly reduced if a perfectly conducting ground is provided in the vicinity of the antenna. This is the purpose of a GROUND SCREEN (figure 4-19, view A) and COUNTERPOISE view B. Figure 4-19. - Groundscreen and counterpoise.
The ground screen in view A is composed of a series of conductors buried 1 or 2 feet (0.3 to 0.6 meter) below the surface of the earth and arranged in a radial pattern. These conductors reduce losses in the ground in the immediate vicinity of the antenna. Such a radial system of conductors is usually 1/2 wavelength in diameter. A counterpoise view B is used when easy access to the base of the antenna is necessary. It is also used when the earth is not a good conducting surface, such as ground that is sandy or solid rock. The counterpoise serves the same purpose as the ground screen but it is usually elevated above the earth. No specific dimensions are necessary in the construction of a counterpoise nor is the number of wires particularly critical. A practical counterpoise may be assembled from a large screen of chicken wire or some similar material. This screen may be placed on the ground, but better results are obtained if it is placed a few feet above the ground. Q.20 Since the radiation pattern of a dipole is similar to that of a doublet, what will
happen to the pattern if the length of the doublet is increased? |
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