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The high-intensity light provides a variable, high-intensity, portable light source over the work area. The two flexible arms permit both front and back lighting of the workpiece and provide a balanced light that eliminates shadows (figure 2-8).

Figure 2-8. - High intensity lamp.

The high-intensity light uses 115-volt, 60-hertz input power. One brightness knob controls a flood-type bulb, and the other knob controls a spot-type bulb.


This nylon-jawed, multiposition vise can rotate and tilt. With this flexibility the technician can achieve any compound angle for holding a workpiece during assembly, modification, or repair (figure 2-9).

Figure 2-9. - Pana Vise.


Figure 2-10, views (A) through (C), shows some representative types of hand tools used in 2M repair procedures.

Figure 2-10. - Pliers, tweezers, and dental tools.


In view (A), the figure shows the pliers preferred for 2M repair procedures. These precision pliers have a long and useful life if handled and cared for properly. The flush-cutting pliers are used to cut various sizes of wire and component leads. The needlenose, roundnose, and flatnose pliers are used for forming, looping, and bending wires and component leads. They are also used for gripping components and leads during removal or installation.

Figure 2 - 10a. - Pliers.


View (B) shows tweezers contained in the 2M repair set. The top two pairs of tweezers are used to hold small components during installation and repair procedures. The other pairs are anti-wicking tweezers used to tin and solder stranded wire leads.

Dental Tools

View (C) shows some of the dental tools contained in the 2M repair set. They are used for picking, chipping, abrading, mixing, and smoothing various conformal coatings used on printed circuit boards and other general pcb repair techniques.

Figure 2 - 10c. - Dental tools.

Eyelet-Setting Tools

Among the repair procedures required of the 2M repair technician is the replacement of eyelets. Eyelets must sometimes be replaced because of the damage caused by incorrect repair procedures or complete failure of a printed circuit board. Figure 2-11 illustrates the tools used to replace these eyelets. Eyelets will be discussed in topic 3.

Figure 2-11. - Eyelet-setting tools.


An assortment of some of the miscellaneous items used in 2M repair are shown in figure 2-12. A variety of brushes, files, scissors, thermal shunts, and consumables, such as solder wick, are included. Even though all the items are not used in every repair procedure, it is extremely important that they be available for use should the need arise.

Figure 2-12. - Miscellaneous tools and supplies.

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