A1. Technology (mechanical, electromechanical, electronic), purpose (special or
general), type of data they handle (analog or digital), cost, physical size (handheld to
room size).
A2. Analog.
A3. Gun fire control.
A4. Electromechanical computers use electrical components to perform some of the
A5. Integrated circuits.
A6. Special-purpose.
A7. Its design.
A8. Lack of versatility.
A9. To perform a wide variety of functions and operations.
A10. By storing different programs in its internal storage.
A11. Speed and efficiency.
A12. Special-purpose.
A13. Continuous electrical or physical conditions.
A14. Mechanical or electromechanical.
A15. Hybrid computers.
A16. Business and scientific data processing.
A17. Digital computers deal with discrete quantities, while analog computers deal with
continuous physical variables.
A18. By the accuracy with which physical quantities can be sensed and displayed.
A19. Third.
A20. The number of significant figures carried in the computations.
A21. Design of the computer processing unit.
A22. General-purpose digital computer.
A23. Generations.
A24. Significant change in computer design.
A25. The vacuum tube.
A26. They were unreliable, required a lot of power to run, and produced so much heat that
air conditioning was needed to protect computer parts.
A27. Thousandths of a second (millisecond).
A28. Unsophisticated and machine oriented.
A29. By the use of small, long lasting transistors.
A30. With the introduction of magnetic disk storage and the use of core for main storage.
A31. Symbolic machine languages or assembly languages.
A32. Faster internal processing speeds.
A33. Faster execution of instructions.
A34. Over 100 million.
A35. Both scientific and business data processing applications.
A36. Microcomputers and minicomputers.
A37. Read-only memory.
A38. How to properly and effectively use the computing power available.
A39. Software.
A40. Word processing.
A41. Correcting errors.
A42. For manuscript writing, memorandum writing, identification-card application filing,
and recordkeeping.
A43. Six.
A44. Shipboard Non-tactical ADP Program.
A45. To support shipboard and intermediate level maintenance, supply, financial, and
administrative functions.
A46. Operating instructions are written in everyday English.
A47. Unauthorized entry into the main computer's program.
A48. Dependent on a work center's need.
A50. Unclassified.
A51. Operating system.
A52. To load an external operating system into the computer's internal memory.
A53. The computer is reading a properly inserted floppy disk, but it does not have an
operating system on it.
A54. The program name.
A55. No more than ten.
A56. Destroy some or all of it.
A57. 10 to 50 degrees Celsius or 50 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
A58. Backup files.
A59. Use a floppy disk and the diskcopy procedure.
A60. Magnetic tape.