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Let's summarize what you have learned so far: A relatively small change in voltage on the grid causes a relatively large change in plate current. By adding a plate-load resistor in series with the plate circuit, the changing plate current causes a changing voltage drop in the plate circuit. Therefore, the small voltage change on the grid causes a large change of voltage in the plate circuit. By this process, the small input signal on the grid has been amplified to a large output signal voltage in the plate circuit. We'll leave De Forest at this point. He showed that the control grid can, in fact, CONTROL plate current. He also showed that the changing plate current can create a changing plate voltage. To some degree, his changing voltages and currents also changed the world. INTRODUCTION TO GRID BIAS We purposely left out several features of practical triode circuits from the circuits we just discussed. We did so to present the idea of grid control more simply. One of these features is grid bias. Let's take another look at the circuit in figure 1-15(B). We found that the positive charge on the grid caused more plate current to flow. However, when the grid becomes positive, it begins to act like a small plate. It draws a few electrons from the space charge. These electrons flow from the cathode across the gap to the positive grid, and back through the external grid circuit to the cathode. This flow is known as grid current. In some tube applications, grid current is desired. In others it is relatively harmless, while in some, grid current causes problems and must be eliminated. Most amplifier circuits are designed to operate with the grid NEGATIVE relative to the cathode. The voltage that causes this is called a BIAS VOLTAGE. The symbol for the bias supply is Ecc. One effect of bias (there are several other very important ones) is to reduce or eliminate grid current. Let's see how it works. GRID BIAS is a steady, direct voltage that is placed at some point in the external circuit between the grid and the cathode. It may be in the cathode leg or the grid leg as shown in figure 1-17. It is always in series with the input signal voltage. In each of the circuits in figure 1-17, Ecc makes the grid negative with respect to the cathode because of the negative terminal being connected toward the grid and the positive terminal being connected toward the cathode. With identical components, each circuit would provide the same bias. Figure 1-17. - Basic biasing of a triode. Battery bias is practically never used in modern circuits. Because of its simplicity, however, we will use it in analyzing the effects of bias. We will present other, more practical methods later. Let's assume that the bias voltage in figure 1-17 is -6 volts. Let's also assume that the peak-to-peak signal voltage from the transformer is 6 volts. Each of these voltage waveforms is shown in figure 1-18. From past experience you know that voltages in series ADD. Figure 1-18 has a table of the instantaneous values of the two voltages added together. The waveforms are drawn from these values. Figure 1-18. - Typical grid waveforms.
Because the bias voltage is more negative than the signal voltage is positive, the resultant voltage (bias plus signal), Eg, is ALWAYS negative. The signal, in this case, makes the grid voltage go either MORE or LESS NEGATIVE, (-9 to -3) but cannot drive it positive. Under these circumstances, the negative grid always repels electrons from the space charge. The grid cannot draw current. Any problems associated with grid current are eliminated, because grid current cannot flow to a negative grid. You have probably already realized that the negative bias also reduces plate current flow. (Negative charge on grid-less plate current, right?) The trick here is for the circuit designer to choose a bias and an input signal that, when added together, do not allow the grid to become positive nor to become negative enough to stop plate current. Tube biasing is very important. You will learn much more about it shortly. From this brief introduction, you should have learned that grid bias is a steady, direct voltage that in most cases makes the grid negative with respect to the cathode; is in series with the signal voltage between grid and cathode; acts to reduce or eliminate grid current; acts to reduce plate current from what it would be if no bias existed; is produced in other ways than just by a battery; and is important for reasons other than those just studied. OPERATION OF THE TRIODE The circuit in figure 1-19 brings together all of the essential components of a triode amplifier. Before analyzing the circuit, however, we need to define the term QUIESCENT. Figure 1-19. - Triode operation.
The term quiescent identifies the condition of a circuit with NO INPUT SIGNAL applied. With a given tube, bias supply, and plate supply, an exact amount of plate current will flow with no signal on the grid. This amount is known as the quiescent value of plate current. The quiescent value of plate voltage is the voltage between cathode and plate when quiescent current flows. Simply, quiescent describes circuit conditions when the tube is not amplifying. The tube has no output signal and is in a kind of standby, waiting condition. Now let's go on to figure 1-19. With no input signal, under quiescent conditions, assume that 1 milliampere of current flows through the tube, cathode to plate. This current (I p) will flow through RL (load resistor) to the positive terminal of the battery. The current flowing through RL causes a voltage drop (IR) across RL equal to:
Subtracting the voltage dropped across the plate-load resistor from the source voltage of 300 volts gives you 200 volts (300 volts - 100 volts). Thus, the plate voltage (Ep) is at 200 volts. The quiescent conditions for the circuit are:
These values are shown on the waveforms as time a in figure 1-19. You should notice that even though the grid is more negative (-6 volts) than the cathode, the tube in the circuit is still conducting, but not as heavily as it would if the grid were at zero volts. Now look at the input signal from the transformer secondary. For ease of explanation, we will consider only three points of the ac sine wave input: point b, the maximum negative excursion; point c, the maximum positive excursion; and point d, the zero reference or null point of the signal. At time b, the input signal at the grid will be at its most negative value (-3 volts). This will cause the grid to go to -9 volts (-6 volts + -3 volts). This is shown at time b on the grid voltage waveform. The increased negative voltage on the control grid will decrease the electrostatic attraction between the plate and the cathode. Conduction through the tube (I p) will decrease. Assume that it drops to .5 milliampere. The decrease in plate current will cause the voltage drop across the plate-load resistor (RL) to also decrease from 100 volts, as explained by Ohm's law:
Plate voltage will then rise +250 volts.
This is shown on the output signal waveform at time b. At time c, the input has reached its maximum positive value of +3 volts. This will decrease grid voltage to -3 volts (-6 volts + 3 volts). This is shown on the grid voltage waveform at time c. This in turn will increase the electrostatic force between the plate and cathode. More electrons will then flow from the cathode, through the grid, to the plate. Assume that the plate current in this case will increase to 1.5 milliamperes. This will cause plate voltage (Eb) to decrease to 150 volts as shown below.
This is shown on the output waveform at time c. At time d, the input signal voltage decreases back to zero volts. The grid will return to the quiescent state of -6 volts, and conduction through the tube will again be at 1 milliampere. The plate will return to its quiescent voltage of +200 volts (shown at time d on the output waveform). As you can see, varying the grid by only 6 volts has caused the output of the triode to vary by 100 volts. The input signal voltage has been amplified (or increased) by a factor of 16.6. This factor is an expression of amplifier VOLTAGE GAIN and is calculated by dividing the output signal voltage by the input signal voltage. Before going on to the next section, there is one more thing of which you should be aware. Look again at the waveforms of figure 1-19. Notice that the output voltage of the amplifier is 180 out of phase with the input voltage. You will find that this polarity inversion is a characteristic of any amplifier in which the output is taken between the cathode and the plate. This is normal and should not confuse you when you troubleshoot or work with this type of circuit. Q.16 Why is the control grid of a triode amplifier negatively biased? |