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A primary requirement for a lens used for copying is that it must focus sharply across a flat plan; that is, it must produce a sharp image over its entire field of view-all the way out to the edges of the image. In copying, the original has only two dimensions, and the loss of definition at the edges of the image is much more serious than it would be when photographing a three-dimensional subject. Regular camera lenses of good quality can produce fair to good copy negatives. But most lenses for general photography are designed to focus at a flat field for distances greater than eight times the focal length. Since most copy work is done at close distances, the image field is not sharp because of the curvature of the general lens. This effect can be compensated for by stopping down the lens. However, because of the high degree of diffraction at small apertures, stopping down reduces the overall sharpness of the image. For critical copy work, such as when copying large, detailed originals, a lens designed for copying should be used. Such lenses, called process lenses, produce the best image at a lens-to-subject distance of about 10 feet or less. Another very important aspect of a process lens is its evenness of illumination across the focal plane. Evenness of illumination across the entire negative is particularly important when copying line originals. The high-contrast films used to copy line originals have a short exposure latitude and any falloff in illumination results in obvious variations in exposure between the edges and the center of the negative. For each lens there is an optimum aperture at which the lens produces the best image definition. For copy work, this optimum aperture should be used whenever possible. Since originals to be copied are flat or almost flat, an increase in depth of field by stopping down from the optimum aperture is not required or desired. With some lenses, especially process lenses, the optimum aperture and maximum aperture are the same. Generally, however, the optimum aperture is two full f/stops smaller than the maximum f/stop. Most process lenses available today are apochromatic. They are designed to be free of chromatic aberrations; that is, they focus sharply all three primary colors in the same plane. Apochromatic lenses must be used for critical work in color copying and duplication. Since exposure times in copy work are relatively long (i.e., seconds as compared to hundredths of a second), a lens equipped with a means of holding the shutter open is required. Your copy system must be completely free of vibration to obtain sharp images. For these long exposures, you must use the T and B settings and a cable release. The focal length of a lens used for copying should be governed primarily by the size of the negative to be produced. For example, the focal length should be about equal to the diagonal measurement of the negative to be made. Therefore, when you are making 35mm negatives, use about a 1 3/4-inch or 45mm lens; a 4.5 x 6cm negatives, use a 3-inch or 75mm lens; and for 4 x 5 negatives, use a 6 1/4-inch or 160mm lens; and so on. In any case, you should use a lens that is longer than the film diagonal rather than a lens that is shorter. This way, you are taking advantage of the flatter field that is produced in the center area of the circle of illumination. A macro lens should be used when available because it is designed to produce sharp images at close planes. |