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In addition to the precautions listed previously, every person in your imaging facility must be completely familiar with the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for each chemical solution used in your photographic production. The MSDS are provided by all the manufacturers of hazardous materials. You are required to have the MSDS for each solution. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), as well as your safety officer, performs periodic safety inspections of your imaging facility. Every person is responsible for the location and information contained in the MSDS. MSDS are generally broken down into 12 sections as follows:

1. Product Information

2. Component Information

3. Precautionary Label Statements

4. Physical Data

5. Fire and Explosion Hazard

6. Reactivity Data

7. Toxicological Properties

8. Protection and Preventive Measures

9. Storage and Disposal 10. First Aid

11. Transportation

12. Preparation Information

It should be noted that separate MSDS may apply to working solutions and stock solutions or concentrates. Be certain that the MSDS apply to the chemical you are in contact with.


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has tightened regulations drastically and they have a substantial impact on the way imaging facilities conduct business. All Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) must be handled in complete compliance with EPA regulations. The regulations and tolerances differ from state to state and base to base. It is important that you comply with the regulations in your local area

Western Governors University

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