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Today most film processing is performed by machine, especially in larger imaging facilities. Machine processing has many advantages compared to hand processing. Machines can process high-volume production more efficiently and more consistently compared to hand processing. When machines are used, the variables involved in processing can be controlled more easily. Time, temperature, and agitation can be kept constant if the machine is properly maintained and operated properly. With fully automatic processing machines, all you must do is feed the film or paper into the machine and retrieve the finished product.

When there are advantages, there are also disadvantages to machine processing. Machines require maintenance, can jam, occupy precious shipboard space, and may require special plumbing, ventilation, or power requirements. The need for proper maintenance is most critical. Poor equipment maintenance is probably the major cause of machine processing problems. Therefore, it is very important for scheduled preventive maintenance to be performed properly on all imaging equipment, especially automatic processors. The best images captured by a camera are not of any use if they are not processed correctly and without defects. You must be qualified completely in the Planned Maintenance System (PMS) to become a valuable member of an imaging facility.

In a high-volume production facility, the advantages of automation far outweigh the disadvantages. There are

Figure 10-20. Image Maker processcr.

numerous automatic processors available on the market today. Two types of machine processors are commonly used in Navy imaging facilities. They are the rotary drum and the roller transport type of processors.

Western Governors University

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