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Photojournalism is a merger of still photography and written language into a coherent communication medium. The Navy photojournalist is a reporter who uses a camera and written text to convey a message to the intended audience. This message is usually spread by newspapers, magazines, and other publications. Photographs and words used together can provide a complete and accurate report of an event or story. Some events that occur in the Navy are planned far in advance so you have plenty of time to prepare for the assignment. Other events unfold quickly and dramatically and afford little or no preparation. Stories range from the obvious to those that are created with a considerable amount of imaginative work by a photojournalist. The foremost requirements for a successful photojournalist are to master the equipment and have the equipment ready to use. You cannot concentrate on an assignment if you are trying to learn how to use a camera. An important event will go unrecorded when you are fumbling and assembling equipment.

A photojournalist must use imagination to accomplish an assignment. Not all assignments have a great inherent human interest value, and the less spectacular the subject matter, the more important the photojournalist's imagination becomes. Often, a novice photojournalist misses good photographs because of a lack of aggressiveness. Frequently, Navy photojournalists are tasked to photograph notable personalities of diversified backgrounds. Always respect your subjects, regardless of who they are, but never feel inferior.

The assignments of a Navy photojournalist can be divided into two groups:

Spot news

Feature pictures

Spot-news photography denotes coverage of current news events and has a strong requirement of immediacy. What happens today of importance should be recorded and reported as soon as possible.

Conversely, a feature assignment should emphasize the human interest aspect of an event or story and ideally be as interesting to an audience next year as today.

A sharp dividing line does not separate spot-news photographs horn feature photographs. In fact, most spot-news events can provide feature possibilities. Likewise, some feature stories may have strong spot news appeal. A good photojournalist should always consider possible "spin-off" stories that may exist.


Spot news is an event that happens without warning and, in many ways, is the most difficult event to photograph-an accident, a plane crash, a fire or tornado-even the unexpected arrival of the CNO aboard your ship. Regardless of the situation, you will be working at top speed and under the pressure of a deadline. Success of your photography is dependent upon how well you handle your equipment, arrange your time, and do your research. Most experienced photographers agree that spot-news photography is one of the most difficult and nerve-shattering assignments. Why is that? It is perhaps the very nature of what the photographer is faced with, rapid occurring events, little time, and the need to "get the news out."

A spot-news photograph is used to relate a story about a significant event to the public in a direct, straightforward, factual, and realistic manner while the event is still newsworthy. The spot-news photograph often shows conflict, tragedy, or emotion. It is not possible to do the research before you begin shooting; you will already be involved in getting the photos. Ask questions afterwards. See the official at the scene; obtain names and other pertinent information. Remember to get a telephone number or address of anyone connected with the situation. It may become necessary to obtain additional information at a later time. Because of the excitement or emotion involved, the possibility of getting erroneous information is greater at the scene than it is afterwards fig 1-1.

Figure 1-1.-Spot-news photographs.

Your control over the subject is generally limited to the camera angle and the instant of exposure. A selection of lenses and your technical skills should make the job easier. You are expected to move around your subject shooting from all sides to get complete coverage, including long, medium, and closeup views. You are obligated to relate to the reader those events of a spot-news nature. You should do this faithfully without artistic interpretation and faking. Your reader wants to know what happened, so show him. Do not tell a fairy tale. This does not mean that you are restricted to only a 50mm normal lens and one type of film. If a super-wide lens heightens the dramatic effect without destroying the facts, then use it. When a long lens lets you close the gap between you and the event and obtain facial expressions and body gestures, then by all means use it. Just remember, those ideas must add to and be a faithful part of the event you covered.

In covering a spot-news assignment, your responsibility is to provide photographs complete with captions as rapidly as possible. This helps to ensure that a release is made while the event is still news. Plan ahead. Keep your deadline in mind. Work rapidly but accurately. Your enemy is time. Arrange your time so you do not overshoot the deadline. The boss, editor, or public affairs officer (PAO) expects to use that photo and caption the minute it is dried. "Nothing is as dead as yesterdays news."

Each spot-news photograph should have the following elements:

Newsworthiness and/or human interest value


Photographic quality

*Accurate written information on the subject matter

Western Governors University

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