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Because of the cost involved, the importance or urgency of the images, and the situations involved in obtaining aerial images, it is extremely important to process images under optimum conditions and the images be free of physical or chemical defects.

Film processors must be checked and verified according to the quality-assurance procedures established by your imaging facility. Processing solutions, machine speeds, and temperatures must be checked with sensitometric tests and verifed to comply with the processing instructions indicated on the mission planning form. Each aerial film-processing work center should have an established family of curves for each type of film used. Camera exposure settings are based on the expected response (speed) of a particular emulsion developed to a specified gamma in a particular type of chemistry at a specified temperature. If you deviate from the planned processing parameters, it affects the degree of development of the imagery and may render the imagery unusable. The photo processing crew is the key to success or failure of the entire reconnaissance mission.


The mission planning fori 1g. 4-2) is used with TARPS. It is a tool of communication between the reconnaissance coordinator, squadron maintenance personnel, and imaging facility personnel. The form is divided into three basic areas of responsibility: mission data, maintenance, and processing data. The section of primary interest to you is the mission data and processing data.

Mission Data Section

After reconnaissance mission requirements are established, the sensor or group of sensors best suited to fulfill the requirements are selected. The mission planner should enter the sensors, the appropriate sensor IDS, the types of film, and the processing gamma of the types of film. The mission planning form should then be forwarded to the aircraft maintenance personnel and to the photo personnel. This data may then be used to equip the aircraft for the mission. The data also allows the imaging facility to make preparations for processing the film.

Maintenance Section

After receiving the mission planning form, the line maintenance personnel begin preparing the sensors, associated equipment, and aircraft for the mission. As various tasks are completed, the Maintenance section of the form is completed by maintenance personnel. When the aircraft returns from the mission, the film is removed, and the appropriate postflight counter settings are entered in the Maintenance section of the form by maintenance personnel. The film, along with the mission planning form, is then delivered to the imaging facility for processing.

Processing Data Section

The film is processed according to the information entered in the Mission Data section of the form. The film processing results are entered in the Processing Data section of the form. The film is then evaluated for image quality and appropriate entries are also made in the Processing Data section of the form. Finally, the completed mission planning form is returned to the reconnaissance coordinator for purposes of debriefing and filing.

Figure 4-29.-Mission planning form

Western Governors University

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