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In every imaging facility, someone is in charge of ordering and maintaining supplies. Large imaging facilities have an Aviation Storekeeper (AK) assigned to manage supplies and equipment. In small imaging facilities and aboard ship, you may be assigned this responsibility as the division supply petty officer. Many Sailors are afraid of the Navy Supply System at first. This is understandable since it is such a large system. What is even more astonishing is that it is only part of an enormous supply system that includes all of the U.S. government and even provides services to Allied Military Forces in NATO. Obtaining the supplies you need from a system such as this is not easy. This chapter provides you with some information and insight into the supply system so you can approach it with confidence. As a first step, you must know the various sources from which supplies are procured.


The Federal Government attempts to "buy American" whenever possible. The supplies you order are made under contract, purchased in wholesale lots, and are sometimes bought as individual pieces by various government agencies including the Navy. When ordering supplies, you tap into this vast reservoir of materials. The Navy Supply System draws on its own resources, the resources of other U.S. government services, or on the resources of U.S. government civilian agencies to fill your order. The supply system must catalog every item available from the government to accomplish this.

As a Photographer's Mate, you must become familiar with the Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUPSYSCOM). This command manages the inventories of the types of supplies you use the most. Navy inventory managers are responsible for assigned groups or categories of items of supply. Navy inventory managers include the systems commands and also project managers, bureaus, offices, and inventory control points (ICPs) under the command of NAVSUPSYSCOM. They are stocked at locations close by to ensure supplies are readily available to the fleet.


Stock points consist of Fleet and Industrial Supply Centers (FISCs). The mission of these activities is to furnish supply support to fleet units, shore activities, transient ships, and overseas bases. They do this by procuring, receiving, storing, issuing, and shipping or making other distribution of Navy, Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), and General Services Administration (GSA) controlled materials. The Defense Logistics Agency manages supply items used commonly by each of the military services. The following activities are stock points for the Navy Supply System:

FISC Norfolk FISC Oakland FISC Pearl Harbor FISC Puget Sound FISC San Diego FISC Guam

FISC Yokosuka FISC Jacksonville FISC Pensacola

The following scenario will provide you with some insight on methods used by inventory managers and stock points to fill a supply order fig 5-1

1. USS Chance submits a requisition to FISC San Diego for a piece of equipment.

2. FISC San Diego receives the requisition from USS Chance, reviews their records, and determines that the item is not stocked at the center. FISC San Diego then refers the requisition to NAVSUPSYSCOM.

3. NAVSUPSYSCOM receives a requisition referral from FISC San Diego, reviews their master records, and determines that the equipment is stocked and available at FISC Oakland. NAVSUPSYSCOM refers the requisition to them.

4. FISC Oakland receives a requisition referral from NAVSUPSYSCOM and issues the item to USS Chance.

Figure 5-1.-Typical requisition request.

5. FISC Oakland makes an issue transaction report to NAVSUPSYSCOM.

6. NAVSUPSYSCOM applies the issue reports to its master record and certifies that the stock of this equipment at FISC Oakland is below the required level. NAVSUPSYSCOM then issues a contract to the XYZ Corporation to replenish FISC Oakland's stock.

7. XYZ Corporation ships the equipment to FISC Oakland.

8. FISC Oakland makes a receipt transaction report to NAVSUPSYSCOM.

Western Governors University

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