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Other Materials

A shipboard library should be equipped to loan other types of materials such as back issues of magazines and newspapers and some types of tapes. The circulation policy will depend on the type and currency of these materials.

MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS.- Magazines and newspapers are not checked out, but are for use in the library. However, back issues of magazines may be loaned if suitable arrangements are made. To arrange this, prepare a card, as shown in figure 5-5, to identify the magazine. This type of card may also be used for other nonbook materials. Have the borrower print his or her name, rank, and division on the card. Stamp the card and front cover of the magazine with the due date and file the book card behind the date due in the circulation file. Loan periods for magazines should not exceed 1 week.

Figure 5-5.-Check-out card for magazines and other nonbook materials.

TAPES.- Tapes borrowed solely for use in the library may simply be logged in and out. The tape log should list the tape number, name, rank, and division of the borrower and date and time borrowed. When the borrower returns the tape, the library assistant logs the time in and refiles the tape in the cabinet according to its number.

Tapes borrowed for use in other spaces aboard ship are checked out as books. The borrower should print name, rank and division on the tape card The library assistant stamps the date due (day, month, year) on the card and files it in the circulation file alphabetically by performer behind the date due. The loan period for tapes should not exceed 3 days. Check-in for tapes is handled the same as for a book except the library assistant replaces the card in the card file in the tape cabinet.

Interlibrary Loan Policies

You should understand interlibrary loan policies and procedures. Interlibrary loan is a borrowing procedure your library can use to borrow materials from other libraries. This procedure enables the shipboard library to meet the needs of library patrons who have serious research and study needs that cannot be met from the library's existing collection or book stock.

The Interlibrary Loan and Photocopy Request, Standard Form 162, must be used for interlibrary transactions. These forms are available in General

Services Administration (GSA) stock or may be purchased from commercial library supply sources.

Navy Auxiliary Library Service Collections

Unlike interlibrary loans, Navy auxiliary library service collections (ALSCs) provide materials directly to members of the naval service upon personal letter request. The materials in the ALSC are primarily books that are of timely significance to naval personnel for their intellectual and professional growth and development. Usually these books have been reviewed or otherwise highlighted in such professional journals as the Naval War College Review or the Proceedings of the U.S. Naval lnstitute. Many books in the ALSC are also available in some of the larger libraries, but if a crew member requests a book that is not available locally, it may be borrowed from an ALSC.

To borrow one or more books, individuals should write a personal letter to the appropriate ALSC. Figure 5-6 identifies the ALSCs and the areas they serve.

Overdue Materials

Concerning the return of library materials, library directives set the basic command policy under which the library operates. In general, the procedures for processing overdue materials include the following steps:

l The first overdue notice is sent to the person concerned 3 to 5 days after materials were due.

l The second overdue notice is sent, again to the person concerned, 3 to 5 days after the first notice.

l The third overdue notice is sent to the person's division officer for action, 3 to 5 days after the second notice.

Personnel leaving an activity also should checkout with the shipboard library before detaching.

Fees and Fines

Fees may not be charged for use of materials in naval general libraries. When library materials in circulation are lost, damaged, or destroyed by means other than natural disasters or like incidents, persons responsible must replace the lost materials or reimburse the U. S. Government for the value of the materials.


Before crew members can borrow or use the library's materials, the materials must be processed and

Figure 5-6.-Auxiliary library service collections.

readied so they can be either circulated for use outside the library's spaces or used within the library. In the following sections, we will take a look at some of the standard procedures for processing clothbound books and expensive paperbacks, general use paperbacks, and other library materials.

Western Governors University

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