Seabee team is a small, highly mobile, air transportable construction unit that
can be tailored to accomplish a variety of construction tasks. The standard
composition of a Seabee team is one CEC officer and 12 petty officers; however,
when necessary, the standard personnel allowance can be increased to allow the
undertaking of a specific deployment task. Although Seabee team allowances are
normally associated with an NMCB, the responsibility for the operation of the
team in a foreign country lies with the appropriate United States and host
country agencies. The tasks usually assigned to a team call for experience in
operating equipment needed for the following tasks:
Constructing roads, dams, and bridges
Clearing forests and jungles to reclaim land for new hamlets, croplands, and
refugee centers
Drilling water wells
4. Digging irrigation canals
Building schools, and erecting, repairing, and improving public buildings
carry enough food, toolkits, and automotive and construction equipment to be
Self-sufficient in the field while performing their construction tasks. Seabee
teams also provide medical and dental care to the local villagers and conduct
on-the-job training and classroom instruction for host country workmen.
teams receive extensive training at their parent NMCBs' home port. After
completion of this training, they may be deployed to any part of the
world-generally to an underdeveloped area. These teams are actually the
Seabees' "Peace Corps," and their work in Vietnam won the admiration of the
Vietnamese. Seabee teams have also been deployed as engineers for the Army's
Special Forces, technical instructors for the Agency for International
Development, and construction advisors under various military assistance
elements of the national defense organization provide support to the NCF, some
directly and some indirectly. In this section we will cover only the Naval
Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), Naval Construction Battalion Centers
(NCBCs), home port Naval Construction Regiments (NCRs), and Naval Construction
Force Support Units (NCFSUs).
provides support for the NCF in the general area of shore facilities and
related material and equipment. The commander of NAVFAC serves as technical
advisor to the CNO on all matters relating to the NCF and also as technical
advisor to the Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP) on all matters pertaining to CEC
officers and Seabee personnel.
Naval Construction battalion Centers (NCBCs) are permanent shore stations
equipped and staffed to support the NCF. Each NCBC has a supply and fiscal
department and a construction equipment department (CED) that furnishes depot
level maintenance for units of automotive and construction equipment. This type
of maintenance involves major overhaul, using facilities that are not readily
available at the battalion level. Naval

1-4.-Staff/function home port Naval Construction Regiment.
Construction Training Centers (NCTCs) are tenant commands at the
NCBCs and provide training schools for NMCB personnel. A tenant command is
one that occupies buildings and uses facilities provided as direct support
by the NCBC. The NCBC receives, preserves, stores, accounts for, and issues
advanced base material and equipment. Newly commissioned NMCBs are usually
outfitted at the NCBC, which also provides home port facilities. The NCBC
is under the management and technical control of NAVFAC. At present there
are two NCBCs: one at Port Hueneme, California, and one at Gulfport, Mississippi.