is a 4- and 2-pace double-apron fence in which medium pickets replace long
pickets in the fence center
8-29.-Low-wire fence.
(fig. 8-29). This results in omission of wire Nos. 6, 7, and 8, and in bringing
all the apron and diagonal wires much closer to the ground, so passage underneath
this fence is difficult. This fence may be used advan-tageously on one or both
sides of the double-apron fence. The low-wire entanglement is used where
concealment is essential. In tall grass or shallow water, this entanglement is
almost invisible and is particularly effective as a surprise obstacle. However,
a man can pick his way through this low-wire fence without much difficulty;
therefore, for best results, it must be used in depth.
for the omission of three wires and the substitution of medium pickets, this
fence is constructed in the same reamer as the double-apron fence.