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All sales in the retail store must be cleared through cash registers. Sales, therefore, shift accountability from merchandise to cash. You are responsible for safeguarding cash in the same manner in which you safeguard merchandise. The retail store operator is the only person allowed access to the cash register. Under no circumstances can anyone other than the retail store operator ring up sales. The cash register provides a record of the amount of money you collect. Use it properly. Keep in mind, however, that you are held responsible for errors in pricing and in making change. Cash registers should not be turned back, nor should the reading be altered at any time. Readings should be allowed to accumulate. The "paid-out" key, if installed in the cash register, must be blocked out to prevent use.

Location of the Register
The cash register must be located where it will provide the customer with a clear view of the registration of the amount of the sale. As an optional procedure, a cash register that provides the customer with a tape, itemized and totaled, is acceptable.

Cash Register Keys
The keys to the register will be in the custody of the cash collection agent including keys that permit access to the detailed tapes and the key that controls the selection levers. All levers will be locked in the cash position except when the cash collection agent is making collections.

Figure 2-4.- Handling cash from sales.

Cash Register Tapes
If the cash register you are using generates tapes, two tapes will be generated. One tape will be produced for the individual customer, while the detailed tape is retained in the register for record of sales. When the detailed tape gets close to running out a green streak will appear on the tape itself. Once the tape runs out you will not be able to use the cash register again until the ship's store officer or cash collection agent changes the tape. The cash collection agent will sign and date the used tape and turn it over to the ship's store officer for filing in the Accountability File, SSA-21. The tape is eventually placed in the retained returns.

Western Governors University

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