NAVSUP Form 973. Pro-cedures for conducting breakouts are included in chapter 3 of this TRAMAN."> Restocking

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The retail store is restocked by breaking out merchandise from the bulk storeroom on an Intra-Store Transfer Data, NAVSUP Form 973. Pro-cedures for conducting breakouts are included in chapter 3 of this TRAMAN. The important thing to remember about breakouts from the bulk storeroom is to check every item to be sure that you receive what you are charged for. If you receive more than you are charged for, you are not making any extra money for the store because the mistake will have to be resolved at the end of the accounting period. Also this causes a great deal of extra work for the office personnel. So demand what you are charged for and take ONLY those amounts. When preparing requirements for restocking the store, there are a few basic considerations to keep in mind. Make sure you use the basic stock list when you prepare your list of requirements for the retail store. As we discussed earlier, these basic stock items are considered necessary for the health and comfort of the crew and you should try to keep them in stock at all times. In hot, humid climates, avoid overstocking highly perishable merchandise such as candy bars, chocolates, gum, biscuits, cookies, and some tobacco products. If your retail store is air-conditioned, you will not have this problem. You will be able to control the temperature in your space. You should keep the temperature between 60 F and 65 F to protect all items. If your retail store is not air-conditioned or ventilation is poor, you should use care when preparing your
restocking list to avoid overstocking items that may be perishable. Stowage of and information on specific stock items is covered in chapter 3 of this TRAMAN.

The important thing to keep in mind when preparing your store for sea is to anticipate rough weather. Racks and bins should be used to the fullest extent, especially for all breakable items such as cameras and watches. When these expen-sive items are damaged beyond sale, the loss is absorbed in your profits and there is no way the money can be recouped. Never secure the store for the day until you have very carefully checked everything and are sure things are secured to withstand any heavy seas that may develop during the night. It takes only one hard roll to bring all unsecured merchandise crashing to the deck. Many retail store operators have learned the hard way when they found themselves putting their store back together, not to mention having to answer for their negligence. Taking the initial precautions and a few extra minutes at the end of each day will eliminate the possibility of any mishaps.

Sanitation regulations are approved by the senior member of the medical department and issued to all sales outlets and service activities. These instructions are posted in ship's store spaces and must be rigidly enforced. All merchandise, shelves, bins, and the overhead must be kept free of dust and dirt. Keep the decks clean and allow no dirt or dust to accumulate in corners. Dirty merchandise in a dirty space loses its appeal. In addition, personnel assigned to the spaces must be scrupulously clean at all times. Your customer has every right to expect to be served by a neat, well-groomed operator. Create a favorable impression, and you have a customer who is more easily satisfied.

Western Governors University

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