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On occasion, the operator of the ship's store will make an error in ringing up the price of an item on the register. The operator may ring up less than the selling price. In this case, he or she would ring up the difference between the correct price and the amount rung up in error. This type of error is called an underring and you should always advise the customer of the error.

On the other hand, if the cash register operator rings up a price higher than the selling price, he or she will prepare an Overring/Refund Voucher, NAVSUP Form 972 (fig. 3-2), to cover the difference. You, as the collection agent, should verify the overring voucher and make sure the ship's store officer approves it. Refer to the letters A through C in figure 3-2. The ship's store officer's signature should appear in block A in the figure. The ship's store operator should also sign the voucher in block B. The total amount in figures must agree with the total amount in words in block C. Unlike the refund voucher, the overring voucher does not require the signature of the customer and, therefore, verification of legality is very important. The NAVSUP Form 972 will be stapled to the applicable page of the Cash Register Record, NAVSUP Form 469.


When a check is returned due to insufficient funds, the ship's store officer will reimburse the disbursing officer from cash received from sales. The dishonored check is placed in the register and remains there until a settlement for the check is made. The amount of the check is carried as retail store inventory during this time. Once a settlement is made, the funds are placed in the register and the check is returned to the person who wrote it.

If the check is not settled by the end of the accounting period or when the ship's store officer or sales outlet operator is relieved, the store operator will make sure the check is listed on inventory prelisting and the amount of the check included in the inventory. ROM users must accomplish a few tasks to make sure the check is included in the inventory. First, a new retail department code must be established. The code X9 titled Uncollectible Checks will be used. The addition of department codes can be accomplished on the ROM through the ship's store constant

Figure 3-2.-Overring voucher. 3-4

function as discussed in chapter 2. Once the new department code X9 is established, the ROM user must then establish a new stock record using the ROM stock record maintenance function. The new stock record will contain the following information:

Enter the last name of the check drafter X9 Leave blank Each Leave blank Enter the amount of the check

Today's date Leave blank Leave blank Leave blank Enter the amount of the check Today's date

Once the new stock record is established, you will be able to enter the unsettled check in the ROM inventory function. For price line inventory, you will enter the unsettled check on the last inventory count sheet. Checks that cannot be settled are considered uncollectible after a period of 4 months at which time the check is charged to ship's store profits.


After approval by the commanding officer, funds are entrusted to the collection agent by the disbursing officer for change funds. The amount of funds entrusted to the collection agent depends on how many sales outlets are operating aboard and what the requirements are for providing change to each sales outlet. On receipt of the funds, you, as the collection agent, provide the disbursing officer with a cash receipt.

Once a month, an officer other than the ship's store officer, appointed by the commanding officer, will audit your change fund. On completion of the audit, the verifying officer forwards the audit report to the commanding officer. Once you have been relieved as collection agent, or the sales outlets have been disestablished, you return the change fund to the disbursing officer in exchange for the cash receipt.


At the beginning of each accounting period or when the retail store is reopened after being closed for 72 hours or more, the cash collection agent entrusts funds to the ship's store operator as a change fund. Change funds for the retail store are determined by the commanding officer in written instructions to the ship's store officer. The instructions will include the amount of change fund you can advance to the retail store operator which is normally $50. You will obtain a cash receipt from the ship's store operator for the amount advanced. The amount advanced will not be registered on the cash register; it will be kept in excess of cash received from sales. At the close of the business day, the retail store operator will return the amount advanced when you take the register reading, at which time the cash receipt will be destroyed. If the cash sales in the store are not sufficient to cover the advanced change fund, plus the change fund for the next day, the cash collection agent may leave an amount not to exceed $50 in the cash register overnight. If required, $100 may be authorized by the type commander to remain in the cash register overnight. No cash will be left in the register when more than one shift is operated in the retail store. All cash including change funds must be collected at the end of each shift.

During paydays and other times when the volume of business maybe busy, a larger change fund may be required. The additional amount you may entrust to the retail store operator for a change fund will be stipulated in instructions to the ship's store officer by the commanding officer.


At the beginning of each accounting period, after monthly inventory (can or cup-type soda), or before making repairs to the coin mechanisms or the machine, all cash must be collected from all vending machines. As cash collection agent, you need to entrust a small change fund to the vending machine operator to allow customers to receive change after their purchase. Normally the change fund for a vending machine is about $5. Although the money is placed in the coin mechanism, the vending machine operator acknowledges receipt for the money on a cash receipt certificate. A separate receipt should be made for each vending machine. At the time of the next collection, the change fund is returned and the cash receipt certificate is destroyed. A new change fund from cash sales received is left in the coin mechanism. To make collections easier the same amount should be left daily.


Upon written authorization of the commanding officer, the custodian of the money may voluntarily commit personal funds to cover the shortage. In any case, the shortage must be handled before deposit with the disbursing officer.

Shortages in the change fund will not affect the accountability of the ship's store officer, disbursing officer, or cash collection agent. A deficit in the change fund advanced to sales outlets will be taken out of proceeds from sales as outlined in the NAVCOMPT Manual, par. 042451.6, before deposit with the disbursing officer.

A notation will be made on the NAVSUP Form 469 and the NAVSUP Form 470 of the dollar amount the change fund was reimbursed. When appropriate, an entry will be made on the Ship's Store Afloat Financial Control Record, NAVSUP Form 235, to adjust the accountability of the responsible custodian. ROM does not permit this expenditure entry to adjust the accountability y of a particular outlet. In this case a pen-and-ink change will be made to the dollar differences on the back of the NAVCOMPT Form 153 to adjust the accountability of the responsible custodian. The dollar amount of the reimbursement is not included on the monthly Memorandum Cash Sales Invoice, DD Form 1149, deposit of cash with the disbursing officer.

If the change fund deficit is less than $250 and the deficit is immediately liquidated, it can be handled as described above without an official report to the Navy Resale and Services Support Office. If theft, fraud, or any other dishonest act has been committed, or the loss is in excess of

$250, a report of the incident must be forwarded to the commanding officer according to Navy Regulations, article 1140.

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