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Many types of accidents can happen when handling material. Some of the more important danger areas and accident causes are discussed below:

Defective equipment-Do not use worn or defective equipment, including winches, rigging, chains, nets, and bridles. Report equipment condition to your supervisor. Repairs should be made only by qualified personnel since a poor repair job may constitute a worse hazard than the defective equipment.

Thrown objects-Objects such as blocks, crowbars, and slings should not be thrown from the deck into the hold or onto the pier.

Improperly assembled drafts-Nets and pallets should be loaded so that items will not fall during hoisting.

Failure to stand clear-The warning STAND CLEAR! should be given when material or hoisting gear is being lowered into a hold or onto the pier.

Material improperly landed-Material should be guided to a safe landing after being stopped about 1 foot above the intended landing area.

Loads stopped overhead-Avoid stopping loads overhead. If a hoisted load must be stopped before being lowered into the hold, it should be stopped over the weather deck-never over the square of the hatch or over the heads of personnel on the pier.

Improper stowage-When stowed, material should be tiered evenly, tied in, stepped back, or floored off to prevent collapse. Dunnage should be used as a firm flooring for tiering. Never stow material improperly even for a temporary period.

Hatch beams or boards-When only part of a cargo hatch is open, the remaining hatch beams should be pinned or locked in place to prevent them from being dislodged and falling on people below. Hatch boards should be stacked back from the hatch to prevent them from being accidentally knocked into the hold.

Standing in bight of line-No one should ever stand with his or her feet in the bight of a line or in the eye of a cargo strip or sling. To do so may result in broken bones or even more serious injury.

Fleet freight-Carefully inspect all material received as fleet freight for evidence of damaged or leaking containers. Extremely hazardous conditions can result from several compounds normally used aboard ship.

Open hatches-Guards should be placed near open hatches and other open spaces. Safety lines must be used around such openings when material is not being handled through them.

Temporarily covered hatches-Hatches covered only with a tarpaulin or other temporary covering are dangerous, perhaps more so than uncovered hatches that are fully visible. Temporary coverings should be used only during inclement weather, if at all.

Riding on hooks-Personnel will not ride cargo-handling gear, such as hooks or nets, between pier and ship or between the deck and hold. The save-all must not be used as a ladder between the pier and the ship. The save-all is a cargo net or device used to prevent the loss of material over the side during loading or unloading operations.

Removed handrails-When handrails are removed to load cargo or for other reasons, the working area should be roped off to prevent personnel from falling over the side.

Ladders-Ladders in the square of the hatch should not be used when cargo is being lowered or hoisted in the hold. Much care must be exercised when using these ladders, particularly when hatchboards from several decks have been removed. Stairway-type ladders should be used when they are available.

Slippery decks-Oil, grease, ice, or any slippery material on the decks or pier should be removed immediately or covered with sand, cinders, sawdust, or other suitable antislip material.

Improper lighting-When concealment is not important, floodlights should be provided at night on the weather deck, overside, and in cargo holds. Flashlights should be available for emergencies. When entering unlighted compartments, personnel should carry portable safety lights.

Asphyxia and poisoning-During some material handling or related operations, asphyxia or poisoning may result from a lack of oxygen, poisonous gases or fumes, or exposing skin or eyes to or swallowing petroleum products. (Some vapors may be swallowed without the knowledge of the victim.) A person showing signs of asphyxia or poisoning should receive immediate attention and the supervisor must be notified. The space should be inspected before work is continued.

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