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You first need to determine the total dollar value of each receipt document so it can be entered to the Journal of Receipts, NAVSUP Form 977, located in the Journal of Receipts and Journal of Expenditures File, SSA-3. This is done by manually extending the receipt document and entering the available receipt data into the ROM system.

Once the receipt document is received by the ship's store office, the ship's store officer will compare the quantities received on the receipt inspectors and incoming material file copy to make sure quantities agree. The ship's store officer will forward the receipt inspector's copy to the recordskeeper for extensions and manually extend the incoming material file copy.

Once you receive the receipt inspector's copy of the receipt document, you should pull the identical copies of the receipt document from the Outstanding Purchase Order File (SSA-11A). You will then enter all receipt data available in the ROM receipt function using the instructions contained in the ROM system Terminal Users Guide (TUG). ROM will assign a receiving number to each receipt entered and extend the receipt document at cost price. ROM will compute the total dollar value at cost price for each receipt based on the information you enter and post this amount to the Journal of Receipts, NAVSUP Form 977. The quantity received is also posted to the Stock Record, NAVSUP Form 464.

After you enter all appropriate receipt information into the ROM system, you will determine the total cost value of the receipt document manually. First, multiply the cost price of each item on the receipt document by the quantity received to get the cost value for each item. Add each of these cost values together to get your total cost value for the receipt document. Use the following formula to determine the total dollar value of the receipt document: total cost value plus transportation charges less credit memos less discounts equals the total dollar value.

Study each step in figure 4-12 as we extend this example receipt document manually. The first step is to figure the total cost value for this receipt document. We do this by multiplying the quantity received, 12, by the cost price, $48.87, which will give us a total cost value of $586.44 for this receipt document. This receipt document has only one item; if there were more than one item, we would have to add extensions for each item together to get the total cost value.

Next, we will add transportation charges, if any, to this total cost value. In our example, transportation charges are $19,52, which we will add to the total cost value of $586.44 and get $605.96. The next entry will be the amount of the credit memo, if any. The credit memo will be subtracted from the total cost value and any transportation charges. In our example, the total cost value, $586.44, plus transportation charges, $19.52, less credit memo, $30.00, equals a subtotal of $575.96. The subtotal of $575.96 is the figure

4-17 Figure 4-12.

we will use to determine our discount, if any. In

our example, we have a discount of 2 percent. To figure the discount amount, we simply multiply the subtotal, $575.96, by 2 percent and come up with the discount total of $11.52. This $11.52 is subtracted from the subtotal of $575.96 to give us a total dollar value of $564.44 that we should post to the ship's store records.

Once you complete your extensions on the receipt document, forward your copy to the ship's store officer who will make sure his or her extensions match with yours. Any differences will be examined and resolved; then your copy will be returned. Once the totals agree, you will enter the amount on all copies of the receipt document. You will compare the manually extended dollar amount on the receipt document with the amount posted by the ROM system to the Journal of Receipts, NAVSUP Form 977, to make sure they agree. If they don't agree, you will have to determine the problem and correct any errors.


As mentioned earlier in chapter 2, the Journal of Receipts, NAVSUP Form 977, is located in file SSA-3 and is used to provide a record of all receipts at cost price. Once you extend the receipt document and determine the total dollar value at cost, you will enter the figure to the appropriate column of the NAVSUP Form 977 as discussed earlier in chapter 2. In figure 4-13, we provide an example of this process by posting the receipt document shown in figure 4-12. First we enter the date, the receiving number, and the serial number on the journal of receipts. The receiving number assigned to this receipt is 5 so we will enter 5 on all copies of the receipt document as shown in the illustration. Then we will enter the source of the receipt and the amount in the appropriate column of the NAVSUP Form 977. Since it is a receipt from purchase, we will post it to the Purchase column on the journal of receipts under the heading Ship's Store. The ROM system automatically maintains the NAVSUP Form 977. The

Figure 4-13.-Posting the receipt document of the Journal of Receipts, NAVSUP Form 977. 4-18

ROM will automatically assign receiving numbers and post the cost value to the NAVSUP Form 977.

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