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Inventory Affidavit

After the inventory is completed and all discrepancies have been reconciled, the first and second count sheets must be matched and stapled together. A separate inventory affidavit must be prepared on a blank price line inventory sheet and stapled to the count sheets. The price line

Figure 6-6.-Price line inventory count sheet. 6-13

inventory affidavit is prepared in the following format:

"I certify that this inventory summary sheet and supporting inventory count sheets on pages

through representing inventory valued at $ to the best of my knowledge and belief is an accurate and complete inventory of merchandise taken on Responsible Custodian Ship's Store Officer

The ROM system automatically computes all extensions and enters the inventory affidavit on the inventory summary sheets.


In manual recordskeeping, the price line inventory sheets are distributed as follows: 

. Original to the Accountability File, SSA-21, and later filed in the retained returns

. Copy to the recordskeeper to be used as a working copy 

. Copy to the responsible custodian 

In ROM procedures, the price line inventory sheets are distributed as follows: 

l Original of the prelisting and final inventory count sheets to the Accountability File, SSA-21 

l Copy of the final inventory count sheet to the recordskeeper to use as a working copy 

l Copy of the final inventory count sheet to the responsible custodian

Balancing the NAVSUP Form 235

As we mentioned earlier, the price line inventory is used to establish the correct money value of stock on hand in a retail store or snack bar. Once the ship's store officer has the money value of stock on hand, he or she must balance the column corresponding to the sales outlet on the Ship's Store Afloat Financial Control Record, NAVSUP Form 235, to determine whether a shortage or an overage exists in the sales outlet.

If the Expenditure column is more than the Receipt column, this indicates there is an overage. For example, suppose the Receipt column adds up to $21,200 and the Expenditure column adds up to $21,300. This would indicate that there is an overage of $100 because you expended for $100 more than you received. On the other hand, if the Receipt column is more than the Expenditure column, this would indicate a shortage because you expended less than what you received. In ROM procedures, ROM users enter the price line inventory data in the ROM price line inventory function as mentioned earlier. The ROM automatically balances the NAVSUP Form 235.

Once the sales outlet has been satisfactorily balanced, it maybe reopened for normal operation. If a satisfactory balance is not obtained for the sales outlet, the outlet will remain closed until the inventory is verified and the commanding officer notified as outlined in the NAVSUP P-487.


The Stock Record, NAVSUP Form 464, is closed out on the last day of the accounting period. The procedures for closing out the NAVSUP Form 464 for separate and combined responsibility are shown in figure 6-7.

Basically, closing out the stock records is nothing more than transferring figures from the Inventory Count Sheet, NAVSUP Form 238, to the stock record, verifying totals, and reconciling differences. On stock records, which include retail and standard Navy clothing items, you must also figure the sales during the accounting period. The first step is to enter the inventory brought forward for the bulk storeroom and the sales outlet. These two figures are added together to give you your total inventory brought forward, which is then written under the Total Balance column. Remember, in separate responsibility, you must verify the bulk storeroom quantity because the inventory brought forward for the bulk storeroom must equal the last entry reported in the Balance in Bulkroom column.

Look at the stock record in our illustration as an example for separate responsibility. Enter the bulk inventory of 144 and the sales outlet inventory of 76 on the stock record. Add these two figures (144 + 76 = 220) for the total inventory brought forward. Then enter the quantity 220 in the Total Balance column. To compute the sales figure, take the 840 reported

Figure 6-7.-Closeout of the Stock Record, NAVSUP Form 464, retail item.

Figure 6-8.-Closeout of the Stock Record, NAVSUP Form 464, cost item.

as the last entry in the Total Balance column, subtract 220, and the balance is 620 as the amount you sold. The ROM system automatically posts inventory data entered and closes out the NAVSUP Form 464 in end of period closeouts, a subfunction of the resale operations constants function.

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