PERIMETERS AND CIRCUMFERENCES Perimeter and circumference have the same meaning; that is, the distance around. Generally, circumference is applied to a circular object and perimeter to an object bounded by straight lines. PERIMETER OF A POLYGON The perimeter of a triangle, quadrilateral, or any other polygon is actually the sum of the sides. Write an equation for the perimeter(P) of the quadrilateral above. P=a+b+c+d If this figure were a rectangle, the formula P= a + b + c + d would still apply, but since opposite sides are equal, we could substitute a for c and b ford and write P=2a+2b If the figure were a square, the formula would become: P=4a We may, by the same reasoning, establish that the formula for the perimeter of any regular polygon of n sides having a sides is: P = n(s) |
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