INTERNAL TREATMENT AND PREVENTION At many Navy installations, the boilers are not large and do not operate at high pressure. When the makeup water is not too high in hardness or dissolved solids, good operation is possible with only internal treatment. Under this condition, external treating equipment is unnecessary. Chemical treatment covered in this chapter applies primarily to internal treatment. Scale When water evaporates in a boiler, the hard components that were in the water, such as calcium salts, magnesium salts, and other insoluble materials, form deposits on the tubes and other internal surfaces. These deposits are known as scale. Actually, the temperature of the water determines how well the different salts dissolve and how long they remain dissolved. Some salts are such that the hotter the water, the better they stay dissolved. Other salts stay dissolved while the water is at a relatively low temperature but form Table 12-3.-Chemicals Used by NAVFAC for Internal Boiler Water Treatment in Shore-Based Boilers
Table 12-3.-Chemicals Used by NAVFAC for Internal Boiler Water Treatment in Shore-Based Boilers-Continued
solid crystals (scales) that come out in increasing amounts as the water gets closer to becoming steam. The scale-forming salts stay dissolved in the water and in the cooler parts of the boiler, but when the water reaches the hot tubes, these salts start forming solid particles that come out of the water and stick to the hot metal parts as scale deposits. These deposits are highly objectionable because they are poor conductors of heat, actually reduce efficiency, and are frequently responsible for tube failures. Some of the principal scaleforming salts to be considered in most cases are listed as follows:
Scale is made up of three main parts: calcium sulfate, calcium carbonate, and silicates of calcium and magnesium. Scales that are principally calcium sulfate or chiefly of the aforementioned silicates are very hard; those scales that are principally calcium carbonate with little silicate are somewhat softer. A scale consisting chiefly of calcium carbonate may appear only as a thin, porous, soft scale that does not build up in thickness. Scale can be prevented by the intelligent use of proper water treatment, and that is one of the objectives of the boiler water test and treatment program. |
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