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LEARNING OBJECTIVES Interpret SSR tables to determine detection ranges of surface-search radars. Identify limitations and assumptions. Describe how the output of the SSR program is displayed.

The SSR program determines the effectiveness of a surface-search radar against a variety of ship classes. Input to the program consists of a user-specified radar antenna height, surface-search radar parameters from the data base (PDB) file, and a refractivity data set from the RDF. The retrieved surface-search radar ranges incorporate the characteristics of the user selected, surface-search radar and the targets radar cross section. The refractivity data set is composed of a profile of a modified refractive index (M-unit) with respect to height, the height of the evaporation duct, and the surface wind.


SSR determines the probable effectiveness of surface-search radar against different size targets. The determination is based on given atmospheric refractivity conditions. The detection ranges that are determined represent a 90 percent probability of detection. Based on the information output by this program, the tactical commander can alter the disposition of his or her forces, as necessary, to maximize the effectiveness of his or her surface-search effort.


The restrictions as well as the principles taken for granted in using the SSR program areas follows:

. The SSR Range Tables program assumes horizontal homogeneity of the atmosphere. (The program does not account for horizontal changes in the refractivity structure of the atmosphere.)

. There is no account made for the absorption of EM energy by oxygen, water vapor, fog, rain, snow, or other atmospheric particulate matter.

. This program accounts for ducting in evaporation ducts, surface-based ducts, and low-elevated ducts, provided the radar antenna is within the elevated duct. The program does not properly account for the over-the-horizon region for low-elevated ducts when the bottom of the duct is above the radar antenna height. Errors are small and should be insignificant when the separation between the base of the low-elevated duct and the radar antenna exceeds a few thousand feet.

. Prior to running this program, a primary refractivity data set must be selected.


Output from this program consists of a SSR table for the user-selected, surface-search radar. Output is provided in the user-selected units (metric or English), and is displayed on two screens. Detection ranges are represented by MIN, AVG, and MAX where MIN is the range expected if detecting from a bow or stem aspect, MAX is a broadside aspect, and AVG is a quartering aspect. Output from this program is classified and should be labeled as required.


LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Interpret COVER displays of radar detection or communication coverage. Identify limitations and assumptions. Interpret an example of a surface-system COVER diagram.

The COVER program provides a display of radar detection or communication coverage in the vertical plane. Input to the program consists of the radar or communication system of interest, the height of the system (if airborne), and a refractivity data set from the RDF.

The EM system is entered/edited using the platform option of the EMFILE maintenance program. The refractivity profile is entered via the environmental status option of the EM propagation suite of programs.


COVER provides the capability to determine how a given EM system will perform under given atmospheric conditions in detecting or communicating with a given target or receiver. It provides the information necessary to plan flight profiles for airborne systems to achieve maximum probability of detecting targets. It is also used to plan the flight profile of attacking aircraft against a surface target to minimize the probability of the aircraft being detected by the target. Another use is to alert surface units to holes in their radar coverage against attacking aircraft or missiles. This capability provides the information on which to plan the disposition of surface units and to base requirements for airborne coverage.

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