Active Sonar Equation In determining ranges of active sonar transmissions, scientists use mathematical equa-tions. The active sonar equation takes two forms: Active sonar performance may be noise- or reverberation-limited, depending on the dominant type of background interference. When the dominant background is self noise, the active sonar equation may be written as follows: When reverberation dominates, the equation may be written SIGNAL EXCESS. Signal excess is the amount of sound energy received from a target over and above the amount required to detect it. Signal excess is based on probability conditions. When the signal excess is zero, the probability of target detection is considered to be roughly 50%. Signal excess, like all of the other factors of the equation, is expressed in decibels. SOURCE LEVEL. Source level of the sonar projector pertains to the intensity of the radiated sound, in decibels, relative to a reference intensity. Source level is controlled by the design, maintenance, and mode of operation of a sonar. |
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