OCEAN WAVE ANALYSIS MODEL Ocean wave analysis is conducted numerically using the Global Spectral Ocean Wave Model (GSOWM). This model came into existence in 1985 and replaced the older Spectral Ocean Wave Model in all areas except the Mediterranean Sea.GSOWM functions are performed on the standard FLENUMOCEANCEN 2.5 latitude by 2.5 longitude spherical grid in a global band extending from 77.5N to 72.5S. GSOWM directional wave spectra is used to derive the following output fields: significant wave height, maximum wave height, whitecap probability, and primary and secondary wave direction and period. These fields are transformed to a variety of map projections.Learning Objective: Identify the model used to produce SST analyses.SEA-SURFACE TEMPERATURE ANALYSIS MODELAny of the environmental models maybe used to produce analyses and prognoses for ocean waves, sea-surface temperature, and ocean thermal structure. Most often, the Navy Opera-tional Regional Prediction System (NORAPS), is used to produce regional SST analyses. The reported sea surface temperatures from ships, satellite reports, and climatology are weighted and combined for a data field. The data is then evaluated in a similar manner as any other data in the surface analysis routine.SUMMARY In this lesson we have discussed some of the analysis techniques used by the computers at FLENUMOCEANCEN. This information has been discussed so that you, the analyst, will have a basic knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of the computer analyses you will be using. With this knowledge, you will be able to make informed adjustments to information depicted in FLENUMOCEANCENs computer analyses. |
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