UNIT 4LESSON 5 TACTICAL ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPORT SYSTEM (TESS] PRODUCTS OVERVIEW Identify the five basic functions of TESS. Identify the products available from TESS. OUTLINE The basic TESS functions TESS operation and program products TACTICAL ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPORT SYSTEM (TESS) PRODUCTS In this lesson we will discuss a general over-view of the TESS 2.1 operation and products. Your main objective is to be able to identify what products are available from TESS, so you will know what is available for your use. In achieving this objective, you may also acquire a general understanding of the TESS concept. The intent of this lesson is not to make you into a qualified TESS operator or a qualified TESS interpreter/ briefer. We will leave that job to the formal NEC-yielding TESS Operator course (NEC 7416) and TESS Interpreter/Briefer course (NEC 7418). More detailed information on the various programs and output from TESS 2.1 is contained in the Tactical Environmental Support System TESS 2.1 Users Guide, volumes 1 and 2, available from the Naval Oceanographic Office. The next upgrade to TESS, TESS 3, is tentatively identified as AN/UMK-3(XN-1), and is scheduled for Fleet delivery in 1991. CAUTION With the exception of the information contained in this lesson, information concerning the programs, equipment, data files, and location of operational TESS systems is considered critical technology and may not be discussed or released out-side U.S. Department of Defense channels. Certain software may also be classified and have additional, more restrictive, distribu-tion limitations. The Tactical Environmental Support System (TESS) provides tailored meteorological, electro-magnetic propagation, oceanographic, acoustic, and satellite products in direct support of Fleet air and surface planning and operations and antisubmarine warfare (ASW) operations. Specifically, TESS provides the capability to assess the effects of the environment on fleet sensors, platforms, and weapons systems. All TESS products are provided within a time frame consistent with the validity of the data and their practical potential for tactical exploitation. The analyses and predictions are based on on-scene data, data received via teletype communications, satellite data, shore-based analyses and pre-dictions, historical data, threat characteristics, and weapon/sensor characteristics. TESS is a rapid-response, on-scene, en-vironmental prediction system used to quickly determine the effect of the environment on Fleet weapon/sensor systems. Locally collected meteorological information is used to prepare analyses of present atmospheric and elec-tromagnetic propagation conditions. Locally collected oceanographic information is combined with archived data to prepare an analysis of existing oceanographic and acoustic conditions. Weapon/sensor system parameters are then factored in, to produce displays that show the effects of the environment on these systems. These displays can be used by tactical commanders and planners in decision making. Not only does TESS provide the most valid performance predictions when current data is available covering the area of interest, it can also provide best guess predictions, using data stored in the data base. Learning Objective: Identify the five basic functions of TESS. |
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