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Page Title: MAC Format OPARS CFP Example
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The next line states that the CFP is an optimized fuel plan, meaning that it is based on the best route and altitudes to save fuel. The next two lines are actually part of the aircraft fuel and weight summary, which is continued after the en route data section. We will cover those a little later.

Table 4-6-1.-MAC Format OPARS CFP Example

The one remaining format, the Standard format, has a flight identification data arrange- ment that is different from both the MAC format and the Kneeboard formats but very easy to understand since everything is spelled out.

Table 4-6-2 shows the Standard format, with sections identified as General Information, Flight contain the aircrafts flight identification information.

Table 4-6-2.-Standard Format OPARS CFP Example

Table 4-6-2.-Standard Format OPARS CFP ExampleContinued

The only information in this section that may need explanation is some of the abbreviations used:

$R under the Flight Routing title means on and off standard jetroutes. The flight will follow standard jetroutes only if they are near the best fuel-savings route.

POD is point of departure.

POA is point of arrival.

TOC is top of climb.

ETD is estimated time of departure.

ETA is estimated time of arrival.

ETE usually means estimated time en route between the points specified, so in this case (the two specified points are POD and POA), it section repeats this information in plain language.

ALTNT is the alternate airfield selected by the requester for the destination airfield. In the Flight Log section, the leg number, departure point, destination, and departure and arrival times are given, along with weight and fuel information. The last line of data in this section is the routing summary.

The flight identification information we have just covered includes, at a minimum, basic information to identify the aircraft type, time and place of departure, destination, cruising flight level, and a routing summary.

Learning Objective: Interpret the aircraft fuel/time/weight summary data.

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