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Special Evolutions/Briefing Checklist 

Special evolutions take place aboard ship when certain weather occurs. You should be familiar with these evolutions and the officers responsible for initiating required actions. A checklist should be prepared listing the various environmental conditions and the individuals that need to be briefed in the event of their occurrence. Some examples of evolutions are shown on an abbreviated checklist as follows:

Evolution Contact Point

Thunderstorms and heavy Gunnery officer rains

Obstructions to vision OOD

Freezing temperatures Engineering officer

The development of a comprehensive checklist requires that all department heads be contacted.

All too often we forget that we are aboard ships to provide a service. You should let people know who you are and what you can provide, then ask what you might be able to provide to help them. You might be amazed at what you find out, but more importantly, they can find out what you can provide to help them.

Submarine Operations 

As far as subsurface operations are concerned, naval oceanography now plays a vital part in both operational and material activities. The follow-ing paragraphs contain a sampling of informa-tion of interest to submariners.

SOUND CONDITIONS. Knowledge of sound conditions makes it possible to use sonar gear more effectively, and sound con-ditions are a factor in deciding the most effective tactical deployment depth for a submarine. Sound conditions are also important during diving operations when operating among enemy ships that may be maintaining a listening watch.

TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY PRO-FILES. Knowledge of the subsurface distribu-tion of temperature and salinity improves the planning of submarine diving operations and to a considerable degree affects the choice of offensive and evasive maneuvers. To change depth efficiently takes an appreciable amount of time to flood or pump the required amount of water. In time of war, a delay of a few minutes, caused by faulty judgment as to the correct ballast change, may prove costly.

WATER MASSES. Brief on the water masses that will be encountered and the effects they will have on operations.

CURRENTS. Brief on all ocean currents. Currents can be used to speed up transits and to avoid sonar detection.

EDDIES. The latest location and movement of cold and warm eddies can be used by sub-mariners in planning tactical maneuvers and operations.

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