UNIT 6LESSON 1 WEATHER PHENOMENA OF INTEREST TO AVIATORSOVERVIEW Identify the flight hazards associated with thunderstorms. Identify the factors necessary for structural ice formation, the various forms of structural ice, the factors that influence the rate of ice accumulation on aircraft, and those regions of the atmosphere where icing is most apt to occur. Identify the causes of turbulence, how it is classified, and where it is most likely to occur. Identify the weather phenomena that can produce low-level wind shear. Recognize the processes within the atmosphere that bring about the formation and dissipation of fog and stratus, and identify the various types of fog.Define density altitude, pressure altitude, vapor pressure, and specific humidity, and recognize their importance in aircraft operations.Define d-value and recognize how d-values are computed.Identify the three types of condensation trails, and recognize how they form.OUTLINE Thunderstorms Icing Turbulence Low-level wind shear Fogs and stratus Air density and water vapor D-values Condensation trails AVIATION PARAMETERS Aviation weather office personnel are required to know a great deal about weather and its effects on aircraft. In this lesson, I will discuss various aviation weather phenomena, such as icing, turbulence, and low-level wind shear. |
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