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Computing Height of Tide

The approximate height of a tide at any time between its high and low water can be found by using "Table 3" of the Tide Tables, "Height of Tide at Any Time", or the height can be obtained graphically by using the Tidal Height Graph.

TABULAR METHOD. Table 6-6-1, Height of Tide at Any Time, is used to compute a tides height at any time between high tide and low tide. The table is made up of two sections: time and range.

Time. Subtract the time of low water from the time of high water, or vice versa, to obtain the elapsed time (duration) between the two tides to the nearest hour (h) and minute (m). You will enter "Height of Tide at Any Time" with this time. Note that the duration times listed in the far-left column only cover durations between 4 hours (4 00) and 10 hours 40 minutes (10 40). When the duration is less than 4 hours or greater than 10 hours 40 minutes, you must adjust the duration time before using the table.

1. If the elapsed time is GREATER than 10 hours and 40 minutes, you must use one-half the duration period and then double the correction value.

2. If the elapsed time is LESS than 4 hours, you must double the duration period and then use one-half the correction value. When the tide is nearer high water, the correction value is subtracted. When the tide is nearer low water, the correction value is added.

Range. To obtain the range of the tide, subtract the height of low water from the height of high water. You will enter the range section of "Height of Tide at Any Time" with this height difference if it is 20 feet or less. Note that the tables maximum range is 20 feet. When the range of the tide is greater than 20 feet, but less than

Table 6-6-1.-Height of Tide at Any Time

40 feet, you must halve the range before using the table, then double the correction value. When the range is greater than 40 feet, enter the table using one-third of the range, then multiply the correction by 3. The same rule applies to the height correction value as it does for time: the correction is subtracted when the tide is nearer high water, and added when nearer low water.

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