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Moonrise and Moonset Tables

The moonrise and moonset tables are found in the upper right corner of the daily pages of Air pages are either A.M. or P.M. The moonrise table

Figure 6-8-6.-Variation in Moons orbital speed at apogee and perigee.

appears on the A.M. pages, while the Moon-set table appears on the P.M. pages. Moon-rise and moonset are formulated in three columns.

LATITUDE COLUMN. Latitudes between 72N and 60S are listed vertically in the column labeled Lat. Note that the latitude increments vary. Between 72N and 50N, the increments are 2 degrees; while between 50N and 30N, the increments are 5 degrees, etc.

MOONRISE AND MOON SET COLUMNS. The times of moonrise and moonset are listed in the Moonrise/Moonset columns. The times are listed in hours (h) and minutes (m) GMT. These times are also Local Mean Time (LMT). A time taken from this table applies to each standard longitude meridian around Earth. The standard meridians occur every 15 degrees on either side of the Prime Meridian (0).

Interpolation of the time maybe necessary if the latitude of the location for which you are computing moonrise and moonset falls between two of the latitudes listed in the Lat. column. For example, if you are computing moonrise and moonset for 37N, you will find that 37 is NOT listed in the Lat. column. There-fore, the time of moonrise and moonset must be interpolated using the latitudes closest to 37N in the Lat. column (35N and 40N). Refer to lesson 7 if you need to refresh your memory on interpolating time.

Two symbols may or may not appear in this column. They are and The symbol means the moon is continuously above the horizon, while the symbol means the moon is continuously below the horizon.

ONE-HALF THE DAILY TIME DIFFER-ENCE COLUMN. One-half of the daily time difference between moonrise and moonset for each latitude at 90E or 90W is listed in the Diff. column. The time difference is in minutes (m). Plus (+) and minus () signs are assigned to the time differences. A + is applied to west longitudes and a is applied to east longitudes. The asterisk (*) signifies that the one-half daily time differences could not be interpolated.

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