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The procedure used in computing the effective downwind speed and direction for a particular yield is as follows:

1. Obtain the winds for the standard pressure levels.

2. Convert the winds into vectors by adding or subtracting 180 degrees.

3. Select the weight factors to be applied to the reported wind speeds for each level affected by the selected yield groups.

4. Calculate the wind vector lengths by multiplying the wind speed for each standard pressure level by the appropriate weight factor.

5. Construct the wind vector plot using the weighted wind speeds and directions.

6. Determine the effective downwind speed and direction.

Examples of upper-air-sounding information are as follows:

Problem: Compute the effective downwind direction and speed for a weapon yield in group DELTA (31 - 100 kt).

1. Compute wind vector direction for each level from the surface up to 300 millibars by adding or subtracting 180. The 300-millibar level is the last level used because it is the level that corresponds to the delta yield group.  

2. Calculate the wind vector lengths by multiplying the wind speed for each standard pressure level by the appropriate weight factor,

3. Construct the wind vector plot. See figure 6-9-16. In that example, the map scale 1 knot = 2 centimeters was used.

4. For the Delta weapon yield group, the effective downwind direction is 1170 and the effective downwind speed is 10.6 knots.


Atmospheric Refraction, NAVEDTRA 40190-A, Naval Oceanography Command Facility, Stennis Space Center, Miss., 1985.

Badner, Julius, Low Level Wind Shear - A NOAA Technical Memoran-dum NWS FCST-23, National Weather Service Meteorological Services Division, Silver Spring, Md., April 1979.

Figure 6-9-16.-Delta yield group wind vector plot.

Computing D-Values, NAVEDTRA 40550-A, Naval Oceanography Command Facility, Stennis Space Center, Miss., 1985.

Introduction to Electro-Optics, NAVEDTRA 40520-A, Naval Oceanography Command Facility, Stennis Space Center, Miss., 1987.

Meteorological Techniques, AWSP 105-56, Head-quarters Air Weather Service (MAC), Scott AFB, Ill., August 1979.

Preparation of Astronomical and Tidal Data, NAVEDTRA 40390-A, Naval Oceanography Command Facility, Stennis Space Center, Miss., 1987.

Recent Advances in the Study of Clear Air Turbulence, NWRF 15-0468-136, Naval Weather Research Facility, NAS Norfolk, Va., 1968.

Reporting Nuclear Detonations, Biological and Chemical Attacks, and Predicting and Areas, ATP 45, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1982.

Single Station Analysis Conversion Tables and Miscellaneous Charts, AWS/FM-300/005, Headquarters Air Weather Service, Scott AFB, Ill., 1983.

Sound Focus Forecasting, NAVEDTRA 40160, Naval Oceanography Command Facility, Stennis Space Center, Miss., 1977.

Towers, Joseph F., LCdr, USN, Against All U.S. Army Aviation Digest Reprint, U.S. Army Safety Center, June 1986.

U.S. Department of Transportation, Airmans Information Manual, Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, D.C., December 1986.

Use of the Skew T, Log P Diagram In Analysis and Forecasting, AWS/TR-79/006, Head- quarters Air Weather Service, Scott AFB, Ill., 1979. 

Weather Forecaster Technician (AFSC 25170), Volume 4, Forecasting Techniques, CDC 25170 04 7505, Air University Extension Course Institute, Gunther AFB, Ala., 1975.

Weather Technician (AFSC 25170), Volume 3, Analysis of Weather Data, CDC 25170 03 7506, Air University Extension Course Institute, Gunther AFB, Ala., 1975.

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