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Tasks Necessary to Maintain a Filing System

The following are some of the more important tasks involved with proper filing system main-tenance:

Inventory the current filing system to ensure the index of your files is up-to-date. For each file you maintain, the index should contain the file subject-title, the SSIC, a specific cutoff date, the retention period, and the transfer or disposal date.

Obtain some type of receipt from all personnel removing files from the filing cabinet. This will simplify locating files that later turn up missing. The receipt should document the name of the person removing the file, the office or phone number, and an approximate length of time the file will be absent from the storage container. You may use a log book, 3x5 cards, or slips of paper for the receipt, as long as you can keep track of the location of all of your files.

Ensure all files in your filing system are properly marked with the subject-title, SSIC, and cutoff date, retention period, and the transfer or destroy date. Establish new files as necessary. Arrange file folders in SSIC order. Place incoming information in proper subject files in date/time order, oldest on the bottom. Although the practice is not required, most people maintaining files in the geophysics community prefer to use paper prongs to hold papers securely in each file.

Close out files at the cutoff date and replace with new file folders (properly labeled) as necessary.

Keep closed out files together in a safe, weatherproof location. Normally, closed-out files are maintained in the original office if space permits. Maintain closed-out files for the required retention period.

Destroy temporary material at the end of the retention period. Keep in mind security considerations. Shred, pulp, or burn classified and For Official Use Only material.

Transfer permanent records to the nearest Federal Records Retention Center in accordance with instructions in SECNAVINST 5212.5 at the end of the retention period.

Learning Objectives: Identify the manual that contains instructions for disposing of records, publications, and files. Identify the length of time different types of meteorological and oceanographic records, publications, and files must be retained.

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