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Learning Objective: Identify the types of canopy systems and their purpose; recognize the function, operation, and purpose of the components in the F-14 air-craft canopy system.

The clamshell canopy is a transparent cockpit enclosure consisting of two acrylic panels in a metal frame. During normal operation, a

Figure 2-1.- Types of canopies. (A) clamshell (B) sliding.

pneumatically controlled canopy hydraulic ac-tuator opens and closes the canopy. A canopy-lock pneumatic actuator moves the canopy to the locked or unlocked position. The canopy is locked in the closed position by locking hooks that engage latches on the cockpit sill. An inflatable rubber seal in the canopy frame forms a pressure-tight enclosure when the canopy is closed and locked. Three rearview mirrors are mounted on the pilot's forward canopy frame and one on the naval flight officer's (NFO) forward canopy frame. The canopy can be jettisoned for an emergency on the ground and during the ejection sequence.

The clamshell canopy pneumatic system provides normal opening and closing of the canopy. The system is controlled with the canopy control handle at each crew station or with the external canopy control handle on the fuselage left side. Pneumatic pressure from externally serviced reservoirs supply the power for the different modes of canopy operation. The canopy can also be manually opened and closed. A reference mark is painted on the fuselage and canopy, and when the canopy is closed and locked, the marks are aligned.

Western Governors University

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