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LEVEL OF REPAIR.- OverhauI, repair, and maintenance of aeronautical material and weapons systems are performed within the broad guidelines of three levels of maintenance. They are the organizational, intermediate, and depot levels. A list of aircraft maintenance functions classified to the maintenance levels is provided in OPNAV Instruction 4790.2. It is important that you have a thorough knowledge of the maintenance that can be performed by your particular activity. Organizational Maintenance.- The classification of O-level maintenance is applied to those maintenance functions normally performed by an operating unit on a day-to-day basis of its own operation. O-level maintenance can generally be grouped to include aircraft inspections: servicing, handling, removal and replacement of defective parts and components; aircraft service changes and modifications; and necessary recordkeeping and reports peculiar to O-level maintenance. Intermediate Maintenance.- The I-level maintenance includes the repair and test of aircraft components and items requiring shop facilities and/or skills and equipment not available in O-level maintenance activities. Incorporation of aircraft service changes and modifications beyond O-level capabilities is also a function of I-level maintenance. Depot Maintenance.- The classification of D-level maintenance is applied to those functions performed at industrial-type activities such as naval aviation depots (NADEPs). The NADEPs are normally located at major air stations and perform overhaul and major rework on aircraft, engines, and components on a scheduled basis as directed by NAVAIR. They also perform a customer service program for nonscheduled overhau/repair on components to satisfy not mission capable supply (NMCS) requirements. Change of Maintenance Level.- When the maintenance level designation of an activity is changed, the range of supporting repair parts carried in stock as well as the equipment is involved. A change to a higher level of maintenance requires additional spare repair parts. It is also possible that the supply level could be changed at the same time. Each NAVAIR outfitting and allowance list in use is screened carefully to make sure that all items required to support the higher level are procured. A change to a lower maintenance level involves almost the same steps except in reverse manner. Many of the items required for support of a higher level are no longer required or allowed. Therefore, they must be returned to the supply system, and the equipment will normally be transferred to another activity for use. Aircraft Types and Equipment Supported The number and type of aircraft, including major equipment to be supported at the time of AVCAL or re-AVCAL, include all aircraft currently on station. Any additional aircraft or systems (numbers and/or types) whose initial Navy support will occur within 6 months after the requisition drop date must also be included in the AVCAL or re-AVCAL product. Flight Hours Anticipated The number of flight hours anticipated during a given period must be known before any effective planning can be done. The NAVAIR 00-35QB series of outfitting list shows the quantity, by aircraft type, of each item based on the number of anticipated flight hours. In addition, there are several components that must be changed after a stated number of flight hours. These items are referred to as high-time removal. These items vary with aircraft type and modification. Each item designated as a high-time component has a service record card (SRC) with it. The SRC is attached to each component at all times except when the component is installed in an aircraft. Aircraft engines are prime examples. Before a squadron reports for an extended deployment, you need to know how many engines will require change because of high time during the deployment. Normally, you add one or two additional engines to replace those that are damaged by FOD or contamination and arrive at the total number of engines that will be required. The total number of engines to be carried on board to support the air wing will be determined by the TYCOM, based on recommendations of the ship and air wing. Stock Objective The stock objective is usually stated in terms of 90-day increments. Stock levels at ashore activities are set for each category of material by the controlling item manager (IM). Stock levels afloat are set by the type or area commander. AVCAL Schedule Ships will be re-AVCAL'd before each deployment. Supplemental AVCALs to handle the addition or deletion of an entire aircraft type, or major avionics systems, will be provided upon request by the user and endorsement by the TYCOM. The AVCAL schedule is a listing of actions required by applicable activities in relation to the number of days before the work-up schedule. Refer to FASOINST 4441.15 for complete AVCAL schedule of milestones. Source Documents The AVCAL process begins with the creation of deployment schedules and configuration planning. Upon notification that a ship is scheduled for deployment, an outfitting directive is published by the cognizant TYCOM. The directive contains information relative to the planned material requirements and configuration of aircraft to be embarked for deployment. The Aircraft Equipment and Configuration List (AECL) is the foundation of the outfitting directive. The AECL is verified for completeness and accuracy by the functional wing commanders. The outfitting directive is issued by the TYCOM to the operating site (OPSITE) and to NAVICP-Phil. The outfitting directive will specify aircraft and engine models and numbers of each model to be supported, monthly flying hours for each model, and the required date of receipt of final ship AVCAL output products. Upon receipt of the directive, NAVICP-Phil will verify aircraft deckload and flying hours with the weapons system planning document (WSPD) and will negotiate changes with the TYCOM, as required. To ensure adequate piece part support for end items of SE, NAVICP-Phil will review the IMRL for deckload applicability. Past actual flying hours used in requirements calculations are derived from the CNO aircraft flight data series reports. Demand-based activity requirements that are extracted from the Ship's AVCAL Asset Tape (SAVAST) are accessed during the AVCAL requirements determination process. Responsibilities The following paragraphs describe the TYCOM, NAVICP-Phil, and ship's responsibilities for the AVCAL process. TYCOM.- The functions of the applicable TYCOM concerning the AVCAL are as follows: l Submit proposed AVCAL schedules to the NAVICP-Phil approximately 6 months before the beginning of each fiscal year with updates as they occur. The schedule will identify the ship to be outfitted and planned deckloads 1 year in advance. l provide aviation ordnance gun and missile employment information to the NAVICP-Mech according to the AVCAL schedule. . Issue AVCAL directives for each ship to be outfitted. The directives provide the following information - The identification and number of all aircraft and engine models to be supported - Rejected monthly flying hours for each model aircraft/engine - Engine and airframe ARRs to be used in the item selection process - Designation of aircraft/systems to be protected from constraint action with supporting rationale . Issue validated IMRL to NAVICP-Phil listing end items of SE. . Include a validated AECL with the outfitting directive. Make sure that AECL site validation is performed against the latest master AECL as provided by the NAVICP-Phil. NOTE: The AECL is issued as part of the outfitting directive. It is given to the functional wing or squadron for validation and is then returned to the TYCOM for further validation. The TYCOM then sends the validated AECL to NAVICP-Phil for material computation. . Provide representation for participation in the AQRC. The major areas of review include the following: - Negotiation of repairable fixed allowances as required - Consideration of interchangeability data - Historical demand data from the ship - Not mission capable supply/partial mission capable supply (NMCS/PMCS) requirements - Approved changes to the maintenance plan affecting AVCAL-supported weapons systems/subsystems - All quantities in excess of 99 - All items with a unit of issue other than each - Navy Stock Account/Defense Logistics Agency (NSA/DLA) items with unextended deficiency value of over $200. l Advise the NAVICP-Phil as soon as possible of deckload changes and negotiate AVCAL modifications as late changes may dictate. Ships.- When directed by the TYCOM, the ship provides NAVICP-Phil with the SAVAST extraction of data from the master record file (MRF) in the format outlined in enclosure 1 of FASOINST 4441.15. Additional responsibilities of the ship areas follows: . Advise NAVICP-Phil 60 days before the review of those items that have been selected for the local repair cycle asset (LRCA). l Validate onboard general-purpose electronics test equipment (GPETE) through the tailoring of the IMRL. Forward results of validation to NAVICP-Mech requesting production of a COSAL supplement. . Notify NAVICP-Phil via message of the requisition drop date subsequent to receipt of final products, but at least 1 week before the drop date. l Provide representation for participation in the AQRC. The representative will provide the preliminary fixed allowance package, all associated BCM and repair data, all maintenance data to substantiate any claims of discrepancy, justification for existing/forecasted maintenance capability, TAT substantiation, and a current individual component repair list (ICRL). All LRCA items to be negotiated are substantiated by activity usage data. |
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