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Generally, items in the supply system that have an expected shelf-life greater than 60 months are not included in the shelf-life program. However some medical supplies, personnel parachutes, and special items included in the shelf-life program are assigned shelf-life code X. Certain rubber products with an expected shelf-life greater than 60 months are not included in the shelf-life program. These items have shelf-life code of O or O (zero). Although these rubber items are excluded from the program, they should not be issued, returned for credit, or used if the use-by-date has passed. The use-by-date is typically expressed by month and year with the day of the month being the last day. AU shelf-life items are assigned shelf-life codes and shelf-life action codes.

Shelf-Life Codes

A shelf-life code is a single alphabetic or numeric code that denotes the shelf-life span of material from the date of manufacture to the date when it should be disposed of or tested according to the inventory manager's instructions to extend the shelf life. Type I (alphabetic) codes apply to items for which shelf life cannot be extended. Type II (numeric) codes apply to items for which shelf life can be extended. See table 5-5 for a list of shelf-life codes. Shelf-life codes can also be found in the appendices of NAVSUP P-485 and NAVSUP P-567.

Shelf-Life Action Codes

The Shelf-life action codes are composed of two characters. The codes may be a combination of two letters, two numbers, or letter and number. The following are examples of shelf-life actions codes

Table 5-5.-Shelf-Life Codes


CO - Check/inspection/test in accordance with inventory manager's instructions.

RD - Replace all deteriorated and nonmetallic components subject to deterioration. Disassemble the item and process to the level required to permit replacement of deteriorable items; test to post overhaul standards and return to stock as ready for issue (RFI) item with fully restored storage time limitations. Mark the exterior package with the last date of overhaul.

T_ - Test the item. If correct, extend the shelf life by the number of months indicated by the shelf life code following the T after which process in accordance with code RD.

UU -Unsuitable for restoration to issuable status. At the end of shelf life period, dispose of the material according to existing instructions.

The shelf-life action code is assigned to a shelf-life item for the following reasons: . TO specify the type of inspection, test, or

restorative action to be taken when the item has reached its storage shelf life l To specify the extension of the shelf-life time

period after the test or restorative action has been completed

A complete explanation of each shelf-life action code is described in the appendices of NAVSUP P-567 and NAVSUP P-485.

Management Procedures

Shelf-life management procedures are designed to accomplish the following objectives: . To reduce the financial loss because of the

nonutilization of deteriorative items before the shelf-life expiration date l Ensure that overaged material, that may be

ineffective or unsafe, is not installed in shipboard or aircraft systems.

Shelf-life material is inspected periodically for condition and expiration dates. When multiple quantity items have been inspected and found to have different

expiration dates, they should be rearranged, if necessary, to place units with the earliest expiration date in front of the others so the older stock is issued first.

Expired Shelf-Life

Expired type II shelf-life items are restored according to applicable shelf-life action codes (SLAC). The SLAC may be listed in the technical publications or the cognizant inventory manager's instructions or both. When these items can be restored, the expiration dates on the stock labels are then extended, as appropriate. Expired type 11 shelf-life items that are not within the ship's capability to restore are turned in to the nearest shore supply activity.

Expired type I shelf-life items are normally disposed of by removing from stock and then destroying them unless the overage items can be used safely for secondary purposes not requiring material in ready-for-issue condition.

Inventory Review

The shelf-life item inventory is reviewed and compared with anticipated requirements to guarantee timely turn-in of those items not used or restored by the ship before the expiration date. Type I shelf-life material is not turned in to supply activities in the United States (including Hawaii) if the extended cost of the item is less than $50 or the remaining storage life is less than 3 months. Type I shelf-life material is not turned in to the supply activities in Alaska or overseas bases if the extended cost of the item is less than $100 or the remaining storage life is less than 6 months.

Condition Code

The supply condition codes are assigned to shelf-life items according to the length of time remaining before the expiration date.Table 5-6 lists the supply condition codes applicable to shelf-life items.

Western Governors University

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