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In a chemical attack, the first priority is to ensure your own survival so that you may then treat casualties. There are several items available to help you survive a chemical attack, and you should know how to use style="mso-spacerun: yes"> them. Along with protective clothing, there is a protective mask, which should be put on at the first indication of a chemical attack. The mask will filter out all known chemical agents from the air and allow you to work in a chemically contaminated area. A chemical agent on the skin can be removed effectively by using the M291 skin decontamination kit (fig. 8-1). The M291 skin decontamination kit replaces the M258A1 (fig. 8-2). Upon receipt of the M291, discontinue use of the M258A1.

Table 8-1.-Summary of CBR Agents, Effects, and Treatment

Chemical agents penetrate ordinary clothing rapidly. However, significant absorption through the skin requires a period of minutes. The effects of clothing penetration may be reduced by quickly removing the contaminated clothing and neutralizing the chemical agent on the skin by washing, blotting, or wiping it away.

Prompt decontamination (decon) of the skin is imperative. Decon of chemical agents on the skin within 1 minute after contamination is perhaps 10 times more effective than if decontamination is delayed 5 minutes. Detailed instructions on the use of skin decontamination kits can be found in the NAVMED P-5041, Treatment of Chemical Agent Casualties and Conventional Military Chemical Injuries, and in the kits themselves.

Finally, there are two types of antidote autoinjectors-atropine and 2-PAMCl-for your own

Figure 8-1.-M291 skin decontamination kit.

Figure 8-2.-M258A1 skin decontamination kit.

use if you become a nerve-agent casualty. The autoinjectors will be discussed later in this chapter. Familiarize yourself with your equipment. Know how it works before you need it.

Western Governors University

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