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LOW-CALORIE DIET.-The low-calorie diet is useful in the treatment of obesity, but it may also be used to control weight in medical conditions such as arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, cardiac disease, or hypothyroidism. Aloss of 1 to 2 pounds per week is the medically acceptable limit for weight reduction. A low-calorie diet consists of 1,000 to 1,800 calories per day. Calorie levels are determined by physicians and dietitians to help meet specific individual patient weight-loss goals. The daily intake of proteins should be at least 0.8 g/kg of standard body weight. Supplemental vitamins may be ordered if the prescribed diet is less than 1,200 calories.

Patients on low-calorie diets should be instructed by the dietitian (if available) or other medical personnel knowledgeable in proper eating habits. The dietitian conducts patient interviews to learn the patient's eating behaviors, usual portions, preparation of foods, meal patterns, nutritional adequacy, exercise, and so forth. Individual programs should then be recommended to assist patients to attain and maintain their ideal weight.

The Handbook of Clinical Dietetics, published by the American Dietetic Association, lists the following formula for determining ideal body weight. For females, the basic weight for 5 feet is 100 pounds. Add 5 pounds for every inch over 5 feet. For males, the basic weight for 5 feet is 106 pounds, with 6 pounds added for every inch over 5 feet. Adjustments must be made for body build. Reduce desired weight by 10 percent for a small frame; increase it by 10 percent for a large frame. Total caloric requirements are based on ideal body weight plus activity.

Many patients on low-calorie diets experience hunger. To satisfy this hunger or appetite, low-calorie foods such as raw vegetables, broth, black coffee or tea, and other unsweetened or diet beverages should be provided. Water and sodium need not be restricted unless there are cardiac complications or edema, and the restrictions are ordered by the physician.

LOW-PROTEIN DIET.-As the name implies, the low-protein diet is made up of foods that furnish only small amounts of protein and consist largely of carbohydrates and fats (e.g., foods such as marshmallows, hard candy, and butter). This diet is used in renal diseases associated with nitrogen retention or liver disorders. Limited amounts of protein are sometimes advocated in certain kidney diseases (such as chronic nephrotic edema). Low-protein diets for renal failure are usually restricted in sodium and potassium, because these two elements are not excreted properly during this condition. In some cases of chronic renal insufficiency, the protein content of the diet is varied, usually between 40 and 60 g per day, so that there will be sufficient complete protein to maintain nitrogen equilibrium.

In some metabolic disturbances, such as amino acids in the urine, protein restriction may be of therapeutic value.

HIGH-RESIDUE DIET.-The high-residue (high-bulk, high-fiber, high-roughage) diet is indicated in atonic constipation, spastic colon, irritable bowel syndrome, and diverticulosis. This diet encourages regular elimination by stimulating muscle tone, creating softer and larger stools that are more easily propelled through the colon, thereby reducing the pain and cramping that accompany spastic colon or irritable bowel syndrome.

The patient is given a regular diet, with the inclusion of high-residue foods. The main sources of fiber are whole-grain breads and cereals, bran cereals, fresh fruits, and vegetables that are raw or cooked until tender. Whole grain breads and cereals that contain wheat bran have a greater laxative effect than fruits and vegetables, because the bran acts to absorb water within the colon, creating a bulk effect. Fiber intake should be increased gradually to minimize potential side effects of bloating, cramps, and diarrhea. At least one serving of 100 percent wheat bran cereal is recommended daily. Cereals such as raisin bran, Bran Flakes(r), Shredded Wheat(r), and oatmeal may be used occasionally, but they contain less than half the amount of fiber found in All-Bran(r) or Bran Buds(r). Fresh fruits and vegetables with edible skins, such as apples and grapes, are higher in fiber content than canned fruits or vegetables and their juices.

Dietary intake of refined sugars and starches should be decreased because they are poor sources of fiber. Also, limit white flour products, refined cereals, pies, cakes, and cookies.

Too little fluid in the high-residue diet may cause dehydration and lead to constipation. The patient must drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water or other fluids daily, particularly when consuming the recommended amount of bran. Drinking too much alcohol, beverages containing caffeine (such as coffee, cola, tea, and soft drinks), however, can irritate a sensitive colon and can cause dehydration. When possible, use decaffeinated coffee. One or two glasses of water in the morning help to stimulate peristalsis. Excessive intake of foods like dried beans, fruits with seeds and skins, nuts, popcorn, and strong spices may cause irritability, especially during the inflammation period of colon disease states. These foods should be individualized to the patient.

When one is progressing from a low-residue diet after an acute infection or diverticulitis, increase fiber in the diet gradually. Start by adding one serving of 100 percent bran cereal and three servings of whole-grain bread to the low-residue menu pattern. Gradually increase the amount of raw vegetables and fresh fruits to at least four servings per day.

LOW-RESIDUEDIET.-The low-residue diet is indicated in ulceration, inflammation, and other gastric disorders (such as partial intestinal obstruction or diverticulitis). It is also used in certain posto- perative states that affect any part of the GI tract, e.g., a hemorrhoidectomy. Low-residue diets are also used in treating dysenteries of long duration.

The purpose of this diet is to provide non- stimulating, non-irritating, and easily digested material that leaves little residue, thus avoiding mechanical irritation of the GI tract. Various commercially prepared low-residue elemental diet supplements may be given to provide complete nutrition.

LOW-SODIUM DIET.-A low-sodium diet consists of foods containing a very small percentage of sodium, with no salt added in preparation or by the patient. It is impossible to prepare an absolutely sodium-free diet.

The low-sodium diet is indicated when edema is present, in renal diseases, hypertension, and certain cardiac conditions.

The nephrotic patient is often unable to excrete sodium in a normal manner because the kidneys' retention of sodium leads to edema. Alow-sodium diet is thus indicated, with no restriction on salt-free liquids. Such patients should be encouraged to drink 2,000 to 3,000 milliliters (ml) of low-sodium fluids daily.

The allowance of sodium in a strict low-sodium diet is 250 to 1,000 mg daily. The allowance of sodium in a moderate low-sodium diet is 2,000 mg or 2 g. Regular diets with no salt added contain 2.4 to 4.5 g of sodium.

Any diet in which the amount of sodium is drastically reduced has possible side effects. The patient who is on this diet regimen must be constantly observed-particularly in warm climates-for lassitude, complaints of weakness, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, mental confusion, abdominal cramps, and aching skeletal muscles. Electrolyte imbalances can have serious consequences. If you observe symptoms such as those described above, notify a medical officer.

BLAND DIET.-Abland diet may be helpful for gastritis, hyperacidity, hemorrhoids, peptic ulcers, and other GI disorders. Dietary management of patients with chronic ulcer disease has been the subject of much controversy. Bland diets have traditionally been used for these patients. However, experiments show that there is no significant difference in the response of patients with an active duodenal ulcer to a bland diet. Known irritants to the gastric mucosa include alcohol, black pepper, caffeine, chili powder, cocoa, coffee, certain drugs, and tea.

Emphasizing how to eat is as important as indicating what foods to eat, since there are individual responses to bland diets. Offer the following suggestions to the patient:

Avoid worry and emotional upsets at mealtime
Chew food well and eat slowly
Rest before and after meals
Avoid foods of extreme temperatures
If fruits and juices between meals cause distress, try including them with meals. Meals must be kept small to reduce gastric acidity and distention. Among foods to avoid in the bland diet are

fatty meats,
fried foods,
whole-grain breads and cereals,
dried beans and peas,
cabbage-family vegetables,
nuts and seeds, and
carbonated beverages, caffeine, coffee, and tea.
Patients on a bland diet may use spices and condiments such as allspice, cinnamon, mace, paprika, sage, thyme, catsup, cranberry or mint jelly, and extract and flavorings without chocolate or vinegar.

The bland diet allows a more liberal food selection than other restrictive diets. This diet reduces the number of meals to three, and increases the quantity of foods given. Individualize the diet to the patient.

The "Regular-No Stimulants Diet" (also called "liberal bland"), a type of bland diet, eliminates only those items that have been shown scientifically to irritate the gastric mucosa (i.e., alcohol, black pepper, caffeine, chili powder, cocoa, coffee, certain drugs, and tea).

Decaffeinated coffee may be restricted in most types of bland diets. Recent studies show that it causes increased gastric acid secretion and esophageal pressure causing gastric acid reflux in the esophagus. Decaffeinated coffee is only offered on the bland diet and the regular-no stimulants diet if it is tolerated by the patient.

Chronic and excessive use of antacids to treat hyperacidity and related conditions may result in thiamin deficiency, presumably because of alkaline destruction of thiamin within the bowel lumen. Excessive intake of milk with antacids may cause systemic alkalosis and hypercalcemia. Milk may be contraindicated in patients with allergic reactions or lactose intolerance.

LOW-CARBOHYDRATE, HIGH-PROTEIN DIET.-Alow-carbohydrate, high-protein diet is used in the treatment of hypoglycemia. This diet limits simple carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed into the blood. Amarked rise in blood sugar stimulates the yes"> pancreas to overproduce insulin, which leads to a hypoglycemic state as too much sugar is transported out of the blood.

Individualize the diet to the patient, since hypoglycemic reactions may occur at any time for various reasons. For example, meal skipping, inadequate calorie intake with excessive energy expenditure, and drinking alcohol may precipitate a low-blood-sugar reaction.

The foods may be divided into three to six or more small meals. Liberal amounts of protein and fat are used, as they are more slowly digested and absorbed. The diet includes meats, fish, poultry, cheese, eggs, fats, low-starch vegetables, and limited amounts of unsweetened fruit and juices, breads, cereals, and high-starch-content vegetables (like corn, peas, and potatoes). Because milk contains the sugar lactose, limit it to 2 cups a day for an adult.

Sweets such as candy, sugar, jams, jellies, soft drinks, and pastries should be avoided to help prevent hypoglycemic reactions. They should be consumed only when necessary to quickly increase blood-sugar levels during a hypoglycemic reaction. If reactions are frequent, it is helpful to carry hard candy for quick and easy use. Handy high-protein snacks to help prevent hypoglycemic reactions may include cheese, peanut butter, milk, and hard-boiled eggs.

Fulfilling the daily requirement of eating a wide variety of foods, in the correct amounts, will contribute directly to a healthy lifestyle. Well-nourished crewmembers with good health are much more able to resist infections, are able to sleep soundly and awake with a pleasant demeanor. By using your knowledge of diet therapy and nutrition to train and treat your crew, your job will be made significantly easier.

Western Governors University

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