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This section provides instruction for using certain forms in the health record instead of transcribing their data to the SF 600, Chronological Record of Medical Care. Narrative Summary (SF 502) The SF 502 should include the following information: Reason for hospitalization, including a brief clinical statement of the
chief complaint and history of the
present illness. Discharge instructions given to patients or their families (i.e., physical
activity permitted, medication, diet,
and follow-up care). A completed copy of the SF 502 should accompany patients who are transferred to another medical facility. Upon discharge from the hospital, a copy of the SF 502 should be taken to the member's parent command. The SF 502 informs the command of any limitations, medications, and follow-up care the service member may need. After command use, the SF 502 should be placed into the member's HREC. For more detailed instruction on the use of the SF 502, refer to the MANMED. Abbreviated Clinical Record (SF 539) Consultation Sheet (SF 513) Medical Board Report (NAVMED 6100/1) Eyewear Prescription (DD Form 771) Three major areas covered by the DDForm 771 are patient information, prescription information, and miscellaneous information. These three areas are discussed as follows: 1. Patient Information: The specific information required is the patient's name, rank, SSN, duty station, mailing address, and military status. This information is required to establish eligibility and provide the requesting activity with an address for the patient upon receipt of the completed eyeglasses. 2. Prescription Information: Since the spectacle prescription is the technical portion of the order form, you should complete it with great care, ensuring that the prescription is transferred in its entirety. The essential elements of the prescription are interpupillary distance, frame size, temple length, plus and minus designators for both sphere and cylinder powers, segment powers and heights, prism, and prism base. It is not necessary to calculate decentration in the single vision or multifocal portions of the order. It is also unnecessary to try to transpose any prescription into plus or minus cylinder form. Leave the prescription as is, copy it onto the DD Form 771, and note in the remarks section that the prescription has been copied and is in the HREC. 3. Miscellaneous Information: This area is reserved for any information you feel the Navy Optical Laboratory may need. Information the laboratory may need includes special fabrication requirements, such as multifocal lenses, or proof of eligibility for specialized eyewear, such as aviator sunglasses. Standard issue items can be determined from NAVMEDCOMINST 6810.1, Ophthalmic Services. DD Forms 771 should be typewritten or computer printed whenever possible. This practice eliminates
Figure 12-8.-Eyewear Prescription, DD Form 771: A. Computer-printed
edition; B. Computer-generated edition. If you cannot read what has been written on an eyewear prescription, you should contact the optometrist for clarification. In the case where the optometrist cannot be contacted, as a last effort you can send a photostatic copy of the prescription to the optical laboratory, rather than transcribing information of which you are unsure. Make sure that the copy of the prescription is accompanied by a completed DD Form 771. |
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