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LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Recognize the Patients' Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.

No discussion about healthcare or the healthcare team would be complete without including the patient, often referred to as the consumer. Apatient is a human being under the care of one or more healthcare providers. The patient may or may not be hospitalized. However, regardless of healthcare needs or environmental disposition, the patient is the most important part of the healthcare team. Without a patient, the healthcare team has little, if any, reason for existence.

As a Hospital Corpsman, you are tasked to provide every patient committed to your charge with the best care possible. This care must reflect your belief in the value and dignity of every person as an individual. Additionally, you must understand the patient's rights and responsibilities as they apply to providing and receiving healthcare services.

The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) has developed standards that address the rights and responsibilities of patients. Because the goal of JCAHO is to promote excellence in providing healthcare services, this goal is compatible with that of the Navy Medical Department. The next two sections review the rights and responsibilities of patients when they enter a relationship with a healthcare service facility. Students seeking additional detailed information should refer to the Patients' Bill of Rights and Responsibilities (an enclosure to BUMEDINST 6300.10) and the Accreditation Manual for Hospitals published by the JCAHO.

The following are the patient's rights:

Medical Care and Dental Care-Apatient has the right to quality care and treatment consistent with available resources and generally accepted standards. The patient has the right to refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and government regulations. However, the patient should be informed of the consequences of refusal.

Respectful Treatment-Apatient has the right to considerate and respectful care, with recognition of his personal dignity.
Privacy and Confidentiality-A patient, within law and military regulations, is entitled to privacy and confidentiality concerning medical care.

Identity-Apatient has the right to know, at all times, the identity, professional status, and professional credentials of healthcare personnel, as well as the name of the healthcare provider primarily responsible for his care.

Explanation of Care-Apatient has the right to an explanation concerning his diagnosis, treatment, procedures, and prognosis of illness in terms the patient can understand.

Informed Consent-A patient has the right to be advised in nonclinical terms of information needed to make knowledgeable decisions on consent or refusal of treatments. Such information should include significant complications, risks, benefits, and alternative treatments available.

Research Projects-A patient has the right to be advised if the facility proposes to engage in or perform research associated with his care or treatment. The patient has the right to refuse to participate in any research projects.

Safe Environment-A patient has the right to care and treatment in a safe environment.

Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) or Dental Treatment Facility (DTF) Rules and Regulations-A patient has the right to be informed of the facility's rules and regulations that relate to patient or visitor conduct. The patient is entitled to information for the initiation, review, and resolution of patient complaints.

Western Governors University

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