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We can achieve adequate damage control readiness only by the participation of all departments aboard ship. For this reason, each department head will carry out the following duties and responsibilities.

1. Ensure that the material conditions of readiness within the department are at their best. These conditions are prescribed by compartment checkoff lists provided by the damage control assistant (DCA). The DCA is discussed later in this chapter.

2. Provide for continual and periodic inspections of department spaces in accordance with current planned maintenance system (PMS) procedures.

3. Require that damage control equipment and fittings be maintained in their proper locations and in operating order.

4. Assign specific damage control duties to individuals within the department. included will be the designation of a departmental damage control chief petty officer (DDCPO) for the department and a division damage control petty officer (DCPO) for each division within the department.

5. Provide personnel for damage control, repair, fire, salvage, and rescue parties, and for other assignments as required by the ship's organization bills.

6. Require that departmental material and equipment are secured to protect them from damage by heavy seas.

7. Require an immediate report to the DCA of any deficiency in damage control markings, devices, fittings, equipment, or material, and initiate corrective action.

8. Train personnel in damage control matters, in coordination with the DCA.

9. Be prepared to strip ship, or clear for action, in accordance with the ship's instructions.


The engineer officer is also known as the damage control officer. This officer is responsible to the commanding officer for the following duties and responsibilities:

1. The operation, care, and maintenance of the main propulsion plant, auxiliary machinery, and piping systems

2. The control of damage

3. The operation and maintenance of electric power generators and distribution systems

4. The repairs to the hull

5. The repairs to material and equipment of other departments that are beyond the capacity of those departments but within the capacity of the engineering department

In amplification of duties in U.S. Navy Regulations, 1973 the engineer officer is required to carry out the following duties and responsibilities.

1. Maintain the hull, machinery, and electrical system in battle readiness.

2. Supervise fire fighting. Ensure that the ship's fire bill is adequate. Assign and instruct personnel in accordance with the provisions of the bill.

3. Maintain interior communication equipment.

4. Control and restore engineering and ship control casualties.

5. Coordinate all naval shipyard work. This includes all correspondence or communications on alterations or repairs to the hull and installed equipment.

6. Maintain the PMS and other operating and maintenance records.

7. Act as technical assistant to the executive officer to carry out chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) defense procedures,

8. Provide ship facilities, equipment, and key personnel to repair the hull and machinery. Ensure repairs to material and equipment of other departments that are within the capacity of the engineering department.

9. Organize Repair 5 (Propulsion) in accordance with the ship's battle bill.

10. Supervise the training of Repair 5.

11. Assign appropriate engineering ratings to other repair parties in accordance with the ship's battle bill.

Western Governors University

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